Chapter three

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I woke in my room, ‘how did I get here?’ I thought as I got up, I walked down stairs to see Stephanie and Tony on the couch. “Morning Tone.” I grumbled as I walk into the kitchen, “Hey sis, what are your plans for today?” “uh…” is all I said as I grabbed a monster, going back into the Living room, “I don’t know I just got up? When did I get home?” he chuckled as Stephanie scoffed, “Last night, you feel asleep while I was holding you.” I nodded, “Why are the boys wanting to do something today?” he nodded, “They want to go to the beach!” I jumped up spilling my monster all over my phone. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” I screamed my phone wouldn’t turn on, “After we get myself a new phone.” I whimpered as I looked at it.

Tony picked me up throwing me over his shoulder making me squeal, he chuckled, “Go get dressed,” I nodded as he let me go I bolted up stairs as I ran to my room I tripped over one of stephanie’s shoes. I screamed as I did an idiotic thing I tried to catch my fall. I heard footsteps running up the stairs as I saw Tony and Stephanie, I threw stephanie’s shoe at her as I cried and whimpered. “Come on sis, let’s get you to the hospital.” I nodded going in my room first I got changed into Suicide Silence shirt, with my skinny Jeans, my snap back, I slipped on my TOMS and grabbed my Nightmare Before Christmas hoodie, grabbing my make-up bag. I saw Tony cleaning up Stephanie’s mess, “No Tone, Stephanie is going to stay here and clean up her own damned mess.”

He looked at me nodding slowly, we rushed out to his truck he helped me in the truck, I looked at Tony, “Call the guys when we get to the hospital.” He nodded again as he backed out of our drive way and drove to the hospital. I sat in the chair waiting with Tony as he called the guys, all I caught was, “get her an IPhone…yeah Black…okay…” I saw a nurse look at me, “Andrea Perry?” I stood up I kissed Tony’s cheek and walked with her. “Is that your husband?” I shook my head, “Nope my brother. I tripped over his girlfriend’s many shoes’ in the hallway.” She nodded as she looked at me, “We might need to take X-rays, we will see what the doctor says.” I nodded following her, she took my height 5’7” my weight.

She asked me questions as I answered them now I’m just sitting in the room waiting, I groaned because I couldn’t text anyone. When the doctor finally came in she smiled at me, “Now tell me what happen?” I smiled nodding, “I tripped over one of my brother’s girlfriend’s shoes I tried stopping myself by putting my arms in front of me but my right arm hurts extremely bad.” She nodded, “Let’s go get an X-ray done.” I nodded walking with her she handed me this gown as I got done changing she poked her head in as I smiled at her, she put my things in the room with her so the metal doesn’t interfere with the machine.  When we got done I got changed quick and waited in the waiting room till she called me again. I walked out to the waiting room seeing the guys with Tony; “Hey guys.” I said as I walked over to them. “So what’s the news?” I shrugged, “I donno I had to get X-rays done.”

Vic, Mike, Jamie and Tony all engulfed me in a hug when my name was called again. I walked back into the doctors office, “You just have a sprang just wear an arm brace for a week or two. You can buy one at wal*mart.” I nodded, “Thanks!” she smiled softly at me as I walked out of the room and into the waiting room again, “I need to wear a brace for about a week or two, than I go back in to whatever hospital in whatever city we are in.” They all laughed as Tony handed me my new phone. I smiled at them than looked at the cover ‘I like to party’ an Asking Alexandria cover. I giggled at it than we left, we went to wal*mart got the arm brace than went home to get Stephanie. I walked upstairs to see it was still a shoe filled hallway. I screamed as Stephanie came out she looked at me wide eyed, “Clean it NOW!” I screamed at her as she scrambled to clean it. I didn’t budge until it was clean, I heard tony downstairs say, “You might not want to go up there right now…she is in her boot camp mood.” I chuckled a little when I am on my meds and I get angry they call it the Boot Camp mood. When it was clean I went in my room putting my make up on, than going back downstairs.

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