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After only roughly 3 hours of poor sleep, my alarm clock went off. It was a Monday, and I felt emotionally, mentally, and physically drained. I weakly shifted myself out of my bed, and went to my vanity. I took a good look at myself. I looked awful. My eyes were puffy and darkly lined from my bags, pimples began to burst around my face, scattered like cranberries, I looked pale, and my hair was the shape of a frizzy triangle. I had only 40 minutes to get ready for school, and I had to work fast. Rushing to look decent for school, I managed to get out of the house only 3 minutes after I initially planned to leave. I waited by the bus stop, and sat next to a buff lobster.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Larry the lobster; you come here often?" He asked me with a sense of charm. But seriously, like wtf. I'm not hooking up with a chunky lobster.

"Um no..." I simply responded, looking ahead.

I honestly didn't understand why everyone in bikini bottom was trying to get it with me. I mean pearl is fat but like she's semi pretty so I was surprised at how desperate the dudes are. Patchy was different though. Ugh... Patchy. I needed to get him out of my head.

School was boring as usual, but driving around the boating course at ms puffs boating school was always fun. I love to swerve and just feel the air in my hair. Wait- what am I talking about? I live underwater I'm constantly soaking wet. Oh well. I stop the car in the middle of the course and look down at my phone screen. The secret photo I found of patchy on my space is is my lock screen. I fart. Then I cry. He's so cute.

"Get it together Carl! You need to get over this guy you barely know him." I tell myself.

Wiping my tears, I continue the course. After returning home, it was almost dark. I cooked up some refrigerated chum sticks because it's all I can afford. While a pile of chum is in my mouth, my phone rings. Unknown number. I still pick it up.

"Hey girl. It's patchy and ye need to come get me. I need to show ye little pretty face something," UGH. HES SO DREAMY</3. I stuttered, but managed to say "okay cutie." Frantically spitting out my chum, I apply some bloosh my friend Bratina Bratwurst gave me.

Walking towards patchy, I am anxious all over. My heart races as I frantically walk/run/walk under the dimly lit lamp posts leading to the side of Kelpshake, where he said to meet. I see the large dark figure of him- I am so happy. With no words,he hands me a gram of kelp. It's the Mary Jane of the ocean- 50% sea and 50% weed. Because I have a tank around my head, I basically hot boxed and got so high. I was relaxed, and a little impaired but it felt good- buzzed almost. Then, out of nowhere, a hand is cupped over my mouth.  I scream, gasping for help. I'm shoved into the trunk of a boat, crying as it speeds off. The car stops, and I shut my mouth. They lead me into a dark home. "Please help me. What are you doing to me?" "This is 4 u baby girl." The voice says. They turn the lights on and I gasp- LARRY THE LOBSTER JUST ABDUCTED ME. He ties me up onto something like a dentists chair with straps, and my heart races and I send out sobs.  I am terrified. "This is our little meeting." He says with a sick grin. At the top of my lungs, I cry HELP! The building vibrates, birds are flying, my throat aches. Will someone save me, or is being raped by a lifeguard lobster my destiny?

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