Chapter 4

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Adam's POV

"No!" Elliot got up to the other room.

"Wait, hear me out!" I followed him.

"Are you insane! We can't just trade places all of a sudden that would be psychotic! I have a girlfriend! A life! You have fans and-and- a fucking singing career! I can't sing for my life!" He started to pace a little bit, rubbing that small pendant around his neck again. I tried to calm him down.

"Look I know it sounds crazy. I'm not going to pretend it isn't. But this could be an exciting opportunity!  I never really shy away from this stuff. Odd experiences are my foundation. One week. I'm only asking one week." Elliot paused for a short while. He was thinking.

"Please. Next week I have a week off. No interviews. No concerts. Nothing. Just relaxing and seeing how you are with my friends." I pleaded. I have been in a slump for a long time. I thought the album would help but it's not.

"Adam...I have a life. Work and Chloe. I can't just abandon her to a stranger! She'd kill me!"

"She would never have to find out." he groaned and rolled his eyes.

"It'd be fun! I've had acting lessons since I was five. And you'd be fine!"

"How?" I thought about it for a minute. Shit...didn't think that far. Elliot raised an eyebrow, signaling me to explain.

"I...could train you." I said.

"Train me?" he asked doubtfully.

"Yeah! Just like in that Lindsey Lohan movie!

"The Parent Trap?" Elliot asked.

"Yeah! Exactly! Well not exactly but pretty close!" And that was when I had to pull Elliot back from walking away from me, clearly done with this.

"Come ooooooon! It'll be fun!" I whined like a little child wanting to go to Disney Land. He was the stubborn parent who was fed up with the crazy notions I pitched to him.

"Do you really think we could pull this shit off by learning each other in a week!?" he raked a hand through his hair and rubbed the pendant again. I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hon, I've learned every Queen song in two days. I can learn who you are in a week. And I know you can too.  One week. Then we tell everybody. Just please, I'm craving something new right now." He didn't say anything for awhile, pondering this thing. Laying out the positives and negatives.

"What if one of us forgets something?" he asked. I thought for a second.

"We can text or call each other. If anything goes wrong a couple touches on a phone and we'll be in business. We could trade phone cases." I pulled out my phone and wiggled it a little bit to emphasize my point.

"Good point because I doubt no ones going to notice rockstar Adam Lambert all of a sudden has a phone with a Lumpy Space Princess case." he held up his, which had a purple case with a face on it with two dot eyes and a yellow star. I shot him a confused look, with my eyes darting between him and whatever the living fuck was his phone case.

"You know, Lumpy Space Princess? LSP? From Adventure Time?" he was trying to jog a non exsitent memory I had of the thing he was talking about. I nodded no very slowly, mouthing the word at the same time. Elliot huffed.

"Memo to me: show Lambert the amazing awesomeness that is the good cartoon line up." He mumbled and then looked me straight in the eyes and finally said:

"I'll do it." I squealed but stopped when he held up a hand.

"On one condition: You do not lay a finger on Chloe, got it?" I saluted, insuring that I wouldn't even hold hands with her. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"One tiny problem though." I mentioned. Elliot looked at me. I gestured to both of us.

"We don't exactly look like twins." And we really didn't. My hair was black and spiked a little with some brown tips. My skin was tanned with some scruff. Elliot was ghostly pale and had his same dark colored hair fall in his eyes, which I can't tell is real or dyed from red like I did. His eyes lit up for the first time that night.

"I know how to fix that. Makeup. I'm a special effects artist. I can make myself look like you in a matter of hours. But we'll talk about that later. First we need to know if we can even pull this off. I can act but my memory could be better. I need you to drill in my brain everything about you that I need to know. Got it?"

"Got it." I replied and we sat back down at the kitchen table, trying to, well, trade lives. I think Elliot has the chops to play me. And I think I got him down pretty good. But we do need to practice. It seems Elliot can't get my tone down and I really need to work on how he walks.

"You can come over to my house tomorrow morning. We could practice this a lot more." he agreed and I squealed in delight again.

"I can't believe we are actually doing this!" I exclaimed. he gave me a half excited, mostly anxious smile.

"You and me both man." was all he replied with.

Double Vision (Adam Lambert Fanfiction) PG-13Where stories live. Discover now