Chapter One

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Hi. I'm Annaliese Rose. I tend to go by Rose though so just call me that.

I am 16 years old and I am a rogue. I have thick, long black hair that reaches to about mid calf though I'm only 4'11. Yeah. I'm short. Anyways, I have a little 6 year old brother Daniel. He too is a rogue. I bet you're wondering why we're rogues. Well, it started with my grandparents. Well, my grandpa I should say.

My grandpa was the Alpha of the Bonded Moons pack. And my grandma was a human. Though they mated and had my father, my grandmother left him and took my dad with her. Grandpa Joel was devastated. He ran the pack straight into the ground. My dad ran as a teenager. He met my mom Kat and soon Kat and Nathan were famous in the rogue community. They married and soon after had my brother and I. Sadly, some of the rogues didn't like my mother and father. On September 7 my mother and father were murdered. Mercilessly shredded limb from limb. My brother and I were lucky to escape. I was 14 when that happened and I have raised my little brother since then. Luckily he doesn't remember much.

Anyways, my brother and I do go to school. He goes to Casey elementary and I go to Shandon high school. They both are campuses for rogues, so we are safe from packs who want to kill us. You see, not all rogues are evil and blood thirsty. I mean, yes, most are. But some only want to be in a pack but can't join one without getting killed for crossing pack territories. It's stupid. I've only seen an Alpha once and that was when he was going to talk to another pack. He looked at me and snarled, warning me to stay away. I did as I was taught and bowed my head in submission. He nodded and ran. What I honestly don't understand is that rogues get killed for being on other territories and also killed for living in peace outside of the packs. We can't be around any packs.

I have to deal with it though. I'm not allowed to speak up about anything.

"Rosy! Rosy!" Daniel calls.

"Yes Danny?" I say and pick him up and rest him on my hip.

"I'm hungry. But Preston has no food right now." He says as I cringe. Preston is were we get our food supply. He's the rogues community store I guess you could say.

"Well Preston should have food soon love. How about, we go into the river and I will hunt for fish and you swim around a bit. Yeah?" I offer as his little baby face lights up and he nods. I put him down and shift into my white wolf Ally. I bend down and he jumps on my back and I take off to the river. In about 5 minutes I make it and he jumps off and runs into the water. I chuckle a bit but then run into the water with him. I await for the fish to swim my way. Then, all at once, fish start swimming towards me. Schools of them. I catch about 2 at a time and sink my teeth into them and throw them back onto land. By the time I'm done, I have caught about 38 fish. I'm not sure how I am going to carry all of them back though. I got carried away.

I get out and shake myself off. Danny gets out and runs to me.

"Rosy, Preston stopped by and he said he'd be back with bags. He said he saw you getting carried away in your fishing." He said with a slight giggle at the end. I nod my head and bend down for him to get on my back again. He jumps on and Preston arrives with multiple bags and starts loading the fish. I run home.

Time to finally rest.

A/N : Hey I know it's a bit short . I will write longer chapters . this is just the beginning .
Anyways , vote , comment , and yeah (: . update coming up soon .

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