Painted Hearts (7)

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Screampaw blinked awake and shoved Turtlepaw off of her with a grunt. She yawned and stretched her tired limbs. She quickly groomed her pelt and headed out of the den and her ears twitched as she heard Turtlepaw rising from his sleep with a loud yawn.
" Screampaw"! Weaseleyes called. She trotted over to her mentor, her tail tip twitching.
" You'll be on Willowripple's patrol in Battle practice".
Screampaw nodded "Alright, what are we doing in practice"?
" I'll tell you when we get there" The russet she cat twitched her whiskers and padded to the rest of the cats with Screampaw on her heals. Her stomach dropped to her paws as she saw Birdpaw.
Weaseleyes meowed loudly " Alright, follow me" She padded off with the rest of the cats following.

They came to a halt at a large stretch of sand and dust in a clearing.
Weaseleyes plucked a fern off by the stem and whipped around to face the small crowd " Aright. Me and Willowripple will be leading the two patrols, The object of the game is to get this fern, Willowripple's team will be defending it and my team will be trying to get it, this is great training if another clan raids camp and is trying to steal the herbs or fresh kill. Sunspark my team, Birdpaw Willowripple's, Wolffang my team, Stripedpelt Willowripple's, Stagbound my team, Rabbitfind Wilowripple's , Screampaw my Team, Blackoak Willowripple's. Now go stand by who you were oppointed to. And neither team will be making a plan because If the other clan was to raid camp, Willowripple's team wouldn't have time for any plan. Oh and remember, claws sheathed" Weaseleyes gave a curt nod to Willowripple as the cats parted into their teams. Willowripple snatched the fern from weaseleyes and placed it ontop of a tall rock and gestured for her cats to follow.
"On three go. One, Two, Three " Willowripple yowled.
Screampaw darted past birch trees but slowed and shrank into the undergrowth as her teammates whipped past her. She could hear the thumps paws as they sparred as she weaved beneath the thick ivy her tail tip twitching. She saw Sunspark who was struggling to scramble up the tall rock as Blackoak butted him in the shoulder with his head and pinned him. Screampaw lunged out and landed squarely on his back and grasped her teeth around his scruff just long enough for sunspark to scramble free "Get the fern " She yowled, muffled by a mouthful of Blackoak's thick Black and grey pelt but Sunspark was way ahead of her, leaping to the top of the rock and grabbing the fern and with a yowl of victory the sparring ended. Screampaw let go of Blackoak and huffed as she padded back over to Weaseleyes just as Bristlepaw, one of the newest apprentices leapt out of the ferns "Can I spar too? Can I"?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2015 ⏰

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