+++ Chapter 5 +++

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A/N: Ok so this chapter is dedicated to HaleighMaines because she is the cutest thing ever (: Go check her out! ;D

Please remember to vote, comment and FAN ME!



+++ Chapter 5 +++

A steamy, hot, relaxing shower was what I needed after a hard-working busy day from the humiliating suffering prison- or as known as to many people; High School.

But instead of arriving home and instantly racing to the bathroom, I was stuck here in detention. I shouldn’t have deserved this punishment, it wasn’t even my fault. The silence in the room was overwhelming and I swear I could even hear my heart beating steadily.

I slumped in my seat, leaning my head back and closed my eyes. Rain pelted outside, the noise it produced filled my hearing and it wasn’t just any noise; it was the only excess of peaceful music.

I didn’t remember falling asleep but I awoke as someone roughly shook my shoulders. I groaned in pain as the unknown person’s nails dug into my skin. My eyes cracked open and bright light flooded my vision, I blinked vigorously once my eyes were adjusted to the brightness and I saw Chace right before my eyes.

“Thank god. I thought you were dead!” Chace laughed, his eyes were filled with concern. He wasn’t joking.

I laughed softly, rubbing my eyes tiredly. I yawned and stretched my body out, “Why are you here?” I questioned. How did he enter my house? When did he arrive at my house? Why was he at my house? And most importantly: How long had he stayed at my house? I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion when I took in my new surroundings.

My memory planted into my brain and I realized that I was still in detention and I lost track of time. “You asked if I could drive you home after you had detention, I’ve been waiting in my car for half an hour now and I wanted to check if you were okay and not been kidnapped by Mr. Quinn. You know that he’s quite creepy.”

He was right- Mr. Quinn was bald, old and just plain frightening. He looked like one of those bad guys from those movies, kidnapping young children, raping them and then killing them after.

I blushed lightly, “Sorry that I kept you waiting. I was so bored that I fell asleep.” I sent him a sheepish grin. Chace laughed. Strangely, butterflies crept into my stomach and they were fluttering crazily. I trembled slightly and I felt very nervous in front of him by no reason. The proximity between our faces sent my heart racing 100 miles an hour. His breath caressed my lips and his forehead lightly brushed against mine, the tip of our noses slightly touched and this cast my mind back when I kissed Matt. Correction: Matt kissed me. 

But this sensation felt different, it felt better than my wasted first kiss. My eyes wandered downwards and I stared at his chiselled lips in a wanting and needy way. Which was true; I needed him more than ever. ‘Kiss me.’ My mind demanded stubbornly and desperately.

As if he read my mind, his lips collided with mine. His moist lips were firm but yielding, hard but yet soft.  My arms acted by themselves as they wrapped around his neck, pulling his body closer to mine and his arms were possessively sealed around my waist.

It was a perfect moment.

Suddenly, the door swung open and it was interjecting our make-out session. Dang it! Whoever it was, I am so going to kill them- even if it is a teacher. I pulled away from Chace and sat on my desk, instantly rotating my head to the black board.

In the corner of my eye, there he was; leaning against the door frame and an amused smirk plastered on his face. First- he was cheating on Caitlin and second- he interrupted me and Chace’s special moment. If you’re still wondering who he is, he is…

“Matt. Why are you here?” Chace questioned, he was the first person to break the silence between all three of us.

Matt shrugged, “I was going to give Hannah a lift.” Really? He never offered or informed me. Was this one of his tacky silly tricks? “Now let’s reverse the question. Why are you here Chace? I presume that you have taken my Hannah’s precious heart.”

His Hannah? Ok, this guy is officially wacko.

“Who said that Hannah belonged to you?” Chace growled, his voice was filled with rage. I could just tell by the tone of it.

Matt toppled a few steps backwards, “Woah, hold yourself together tiger. I don’t see why you chose this guy over me, Hannah. I think there’s something wrong with your taste in boys.” He laughed.

I almost gagged at his comment, he was definitely not the boss of me and he can’t tell me on whom to date and whom to not date; it was my choice.

Before I could even blink, Chace’s hand was hunched into a fist and it made a big painful impact on Matt’s jaw. Ouch! - That’s going to leave a mark in the morning. Matt stumbled backwards, collapsing onto the floor. He snapped his hand upon the wound and blood spat out of his mouth, staining his white shirt that he was wearing.

I gasped, “Matt!”

Okay, as much as I enjoyed watching Matt getting beaten up. This was getting too serious.


There were two things lingering in my mind right now. First of all- the romantic sweet kiss I had a few hours ago with Chace. And secondly- Matt being injured.

I stared motionlessly at my calendar which dangled from a hook in my bedroom. It was exactly a week till my 18th birthday. I wasn’t in the mood for any celebrations or parties. I curled up into a ball on my bed, grasping onto the comforter tightly. My phone which lay beside my pillow once again vibrated.

Just as I expected, it was another text message from Chace. This was about the 20th text message he sent me. I didn’t want to read his messages or hear him through the line. I needed to spend some time alone right now. I needed to think on who I was truly in love with.

It felt like the world was enclosing onto me, the room started spinning slowly then the pace quickened and my breaths started becoming shallow and brief.

And then the next thing I knew, I was blinded by darkness. I hated the dark- from when I was little till now. I feared it and now I was in it. I was trapped in it and there was no escape.

Matt- I love you.

Chace- I love you.

My mind chanted repeatedly.

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