+++ Chapter 6 +++

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Hey guys! I haven't been on in AGES! But I recieved a few e-mails recently about people commenting on my stories. I just finished reading the comments and felt so happy, you guys definitely made me day! :D It truly gave me motiviation to write another chapter so I did although it is short, I do apologize(: 

But I hope you enjoy it and please really do VOTE, COMMENT and FAN ME!!!!!! Cos it really does make me happy and certainly gives me ideas to write further(:

And finally, if you would like to a Vampire Romance story, I would highly recommend my other story called 'Undeadly Thirst', but it's your choice(: 

I'm going to stop blabbing on now so here it is! Enjoy! ;D 

+++ Chapter 6 +++ 

“Do I really have to?” I whined reluctantly, swinging my arms slowly.

Caitlin’s scowl grew; she folded her arms against her chest and nodded. “Yes, Hannah. Now stop complaining like a 6 year old and try it on, we don’t have all day.”  She extended her hand out to me patiently.

I took her hand without any more protests and heaved myself up from the wooden chair. “Fine. But why are we even here? I already warned you and Chace that I don’t want a surprise birthday party or something like that.”

An evil, devious smile played on Caitlin’s lips. I cocked an eyebrow upwards curiously as I tried to study and examine her face but it failed; Caitlin was always hard to read- from when she was in diapers till now.

I rolled my eyes stubbornly, pushing the curious thoughts behind, as I took the lavender dress she picked out for me from the rack.  It was 5 days till my 18th birthday and everybody was excited about it, everybody except me- the birthday girl.

After 3 hours of Caitlin pleading me to go dress shopping with her, I finally gave in. Yes- dress shopping, I know what you’re thinking, stupid huh? I padded into the fitting rooms and picked a random cubicle, locking the door securely behind me. I stripped off my casual clothes and dumped them on the carpet.

I struggled into the puffy long dress as the annoying layers kept bouncy here and there. The corset was tightening around my hip and it wasn’t that comfortable. God! I had no idea how people can breathe in it, my lungs were aching and burning in flames. I smiled softly at my reflection; twirling around a couple of times. The dress was very lovely on my body and it brought out the bright colours of my eyes. It made my waist very slim and my breast inviting. Wait.. What the hell was I thinking? I’m turning more like Caitlin now, oh lord, please help me!

“Are you done yet?” I heard Caitlin call from the other side of the door.


“Come out then, I want to see how sexy you look in it.” Her voice was invaded with excitement. I chuckled at her comment and tangled my fingers through my chestnut hair so it looked more presentable. I unlocked the door and stepped outside, my bare feet treading on the cold floor made my spine shiver like jelly.

Caitlin’s eyes were nearly bulged out of her sockets and her jaw dropped. I flashed a sheepish look and a blush was present on my pale cheeks. She grinned back and winked in a teasing way, “You know, Han, if I was a boy, I definitely date you.”

I punched her in the arm playfully, “Shut up! Try to refrain from these stupid comments, Cait.”

Her grin dropped, “Hey that hurt.” Caitlin pouted as she rubbed her bruise that I created. “But you look gorgeous Han. I bet you that if you stepped outside; boys will be throwing themselves at you.”

“More like blind boys.” I mumbled gently.

“You take that back!” She screamed in my face.

“Never!” I stuck my tongue out at her childishly.

“Take it back or I’ll tickle you to death.” She said balefully. Her deadly fingers were in position to attack any minute now.

I engulfed. Caitlin’s tickles were very dangerous and contagious; you could actually laugh to death but the worst and calamitous part of it all was that she knew where all my tickle and sensitive spots were.

“F-Fine.” I stuttered.


I hung the beautiful dress in my closet; my fingers traced the tips of the silky layers. Caitlin kindly purchased the dress for me even though the price was highly expensive but she refused, she said it was my early birthday present from her. I was so lucky to have her as my best friend.

Tears welled up in my eyes, but those tears weren’t sorrow ones; they were tears of joy. I am one of the lucky people in the world to be surrounded by people, who love me and keep my grounded, it was grateful.


I trudged my way to class, staring out the window blankly, lost in my own little world.

“Hannah!” I heard Chace calling behind me; his voice was quite dimming compared to the sworn of people between us. I accelerated my pace, wishing that the Art Block wasn’t far off. I still needed more time to think, it was difficult yesterday since I had a girls’ day out with Caitlin and I completely forgot about it.

My legs were aching in agony once I reached the classroom, I steered my body to the back of the room, arriving to my seat. I shifted my eyes downcast once I saw Chace walking into the room. I could feel him staring at me intensively. I fidgeted with my fingers and prayed inside my head for him to stop looking.

My wish finally came true and I sighed in relief. I pulled my chair towards my desk, most glad since Chace’s seat was all the way from the other corner.

“So we will be starting on a new topic, Perspective.” The teacher smiled. Groans were rippled from the throngs of students. Mrs. Graham frowned, bringing her hand to rest on top of her wide hip. “Now students, I want you to stop this unnecessary stupid attitude and behaviour. I will pick your pairs and no arguments or quarrels. If so then you will be spending time with me in an after school detention,” She warned. Obviously she didn’t have a life.

“Ok, so Chace and Hannah, you guys are together…” She trailed on with the other pairs. My jaw dropped and it made a painful contact with the wooden desk below me. I shut my mouth immediately and rubbed my chin, grimacing.

Great- this was going to be an awkward long project to do. 

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