+++ Chapter 1 +++

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A/N: I am going to re-post this story... again xD  I figured that I wouldn't change the title even though it is REALLY long because I can't think of anything else xP and another reason why I deleted this story from before because I lost interest.

But who cares?...

Anyways, please remember to VOTE, COMMENT and FAN ME!!!!!!

<3333333 Would really appreciate it! (: <3333333

..:::.. Chapter 1 ..:::..

I placed the cup of tea slowly and carefully on the coffee table in front of Mrs. Maryanne. She awarded me a polite smile that played upon her pink lips. I shifted most of my weight from the balls of my feet to my heels and returned her smile with my own. Mrs. Maryanne dragged the mug across the wooden table and brought it closer to her weak pale body. She lifted the mug slowly and weakly, her veins showing clearly through her white skin. She brought the rim to her lips and sipped the tea, the warm liquid trickling down her short dry throat.

“Thank you dear, you’ve been such an angel these past few days.” Mrs. Maryanne smiled, clearing her throat and returning the mug back to the surface. My father was on a business trip, my older brother was going to college, my mother is on holiday to New Zealand and I was left alone in the house with my great Aunt who is apparently my new ‘babysitter.’ I had protested for practically 12 hours on how I don’t need a babysitter since I am 17 and a senior in high school. But my parents started on a rant about the news on paedophiles kidnapping young girls and raping them, thieves burgling house and all that mumbo jumbo.

I stole a glance at the clock that hung on the creamed-wall. “Oh, Mrs. Maryanne; I’m sorry but I have to get to school otherwise I’ll be late.” I smiled politely and stood up, heading for the door and swinging my backpack over my shoulder before leaving the house.


“A babysitter? That’s the most stupid idea I have ever heard.” Chace laughed his head off, I shot him a very dangerous glare that I could muster.

“Shut up, at least I still don’t need to snuggle a teddy bear at night so it can fight off the monsters from under my bed.” I mocked him. His laugh ceased and his grin dropped.

“Hush! That was supposed to be a secret.”

I smirked while rolling my eyes. I struggled to open my locker, pulling the handle but it wouldn’t budge. I groaned in frustration as I slammed my head against the metallic door. I pouted, rubbing the bump that I made on my forehead. ‘I’m such an idiot. Ugh!’ My subconscious chastised me. I tried many combinations until I entered my 7th one; I opened my locker wider, sighing in relief.

The bell suddenly rang, making me jump in surprise. I dropped all the books that were tucked in my arms and I groaned in annoyance. Stupid Karma. Chace burst out laughing again as he slid his pale fingers in his pockets. “Well I have to get to homeroom so I’ll see you around, Han.” With that, he waved his magical long fingers and walked off, vanishing into the ocean of desperate students.

“W-Wait for me, Chace.” I pouted but it was too late. Minutes had gone and soon silence settled in the abandoned empty corridors. I knelt down, picking all of my books up and noticed that my poetry book had slid across the marble floor and ended up next to someone’s feet.

A hand curled around the spine of the book and it was lifted after a few seconds had gone; the corner of my lips curled into a small smile as I straightened my posture and headed to the person without sparing a look on who is was. “Thank you. I really need that book because I have English for first period.” I scoffed as I approached to the mystery person.

My eyes were glued to the blue shirt that had my favourite band pasted on it that the person was currently wearing, my eyes wandered upwards to meet a blue-cloudy set of eyes that were locked with my own. My chest constricted and I realized that my lungs were screaming for oxygen a few moments later, but it was a struggle to breath, my heart leapt in my throat and I was speechless. I couldn’t believe who was standing before me, it was him.

To sum everything up, let’s just say that him was the biggest, stupidest, hottest, sexiest jerk in our whole small town. But not just a typical jerk, he was the player that led a trail of broken hearts from girls –some pregnant girls who had his baby- who he had cheated or dumped.

I smiled dryly, slipping the book out of his hands and into my own sweaty palms. “Thanks once again.” A fake smile plastered on my pale face and I quickly fled from him but to no avail I was captured as he wrapped his strong muscular arms around my slim petite waist. My cheeks converted to cherry red and my face heated up from the sudden movement. A deep small chuckle tickled my ear that sent a series of shivers down my spine.

“You’re not getting away that easily, what’s your name?” From the tone of his voice, I knew a smirk played with his perfect face features. I cleared my throat.

“Urmm... I need to go to class. I’ll see you around, bye!” I squeaked, mumbling the whole sentence quietly. I yanked his arms off my waist with the ounce of my strength and ran down the hallway, shifting to the right sharply.

I sighed in relief once I was out of his sight and he was out of mine.


The rest of the day had gone by quickly, I power walked down the parking lot and a small smile slipped on my lips as I spotted my car parked at the other end of the lot. Mental not to self: Remember to always park car near the entrance of the school.

Not only my car was there but a broad figure leaned against it, my shoulder sagged, my pace slowed and my smile dropped. Today was definitely not my day. “What are you doing here?” I blurted out rudely but forcefully pushed my manners aside.

A smirk was built on his lips and he shrugged his shoulders casually, “Can’t I just stand here for a fe-” Before he could finish his sentence, I cut him off.

“No, this is my car so get your stinking butt of it.”

A scowl was now in view on his face, “Hey, that’s offensive. My butt doesn’t stink at all.” He smirked. But he held up his arms defensively and slid his body off my car, “Ok ok, and sorry grumpy pants.” He teased sarcastically and buried his hands in his jeans pocket and walked off. I gasped slightly as I made eye contact to something he created on my car. A dent?! I mean, I know he is about 100 pounds heavier than me but a dent is just a bit over the top. I clenched my hands tightly into small balls, my nails breaking my skin and a scream was built into my chest, wanting it to be released but I refused the temptation.

“Hannah.” I heard a recognizable voice called my name; I rotated my body and saw Chace heading towards me. I couldn’t help but greet my best friend with a smile.

“Thanks for ditching me Chace.” A fake smile appeared on my face this time. “Nothing can ever get worse than this.” I said; stepping to the side so the dent on my car was in Chace’s view now. Confusion flushed through his facial expression but his eyes widened once he laid his eyes upon the dent.

“Holy shit! What happened, Han?” Chace chuckled, slapping his hand on his mouth, effectively silencing him.

“Urmm, let’s just say Matt did it.” I sniffed, I hated it when I cried easily but it was a stupid habit I have created since I was very young. I remembered mom used to tell me that it made me different from everyone else and that it made me unique in my special way. Tears pricked my grey eyes and I blinked rapidly, forcing them to go away.

‘A small dent in my car, no big deal; get over it Hannah. Stop being such a childish crying pain-in-a-butt baby!’ I scolded at myself.

Chace broke the silence that filled the space between us. “Come on Hannah, you can take a ride with me.” He smiled gently, sliding his arm round my shoulder and we turned our backs on my car and went for Chace’s.

Crying Easily is One of my Famous Habits, so Deal with it MoronWhere stories live. Discover now