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He's my childhood friend ---No scratch that--- He's my childhood sweetheart.

I thought my feelings is just a one-sided love ...

But one day when I'm celebrating my sixteenth birthday he confessed to me that he feels the same way.

That is the most happiest day of my life then he courted me.

We became a couple when I was eighteen ...

We planned our future together and dreamed of a happy family with two or more kids.

When we passed the third year exam in college. We celebrated together.
We drink all night till we passed out.

That night we made love ...
But I didn't regret it because I love him more than he can ever imagine.

When we celebrated our third year anniversary. I have a big news to announced for him.

I'm one month pregnant...

When I told him the news.

I wished I never did because of what he said.

"I'm breaking up with you , I-I'm s-sorry" that's what he said ...

I thought he'll never leave me b-but why is he saying this to me?

"W-why ?" That's the only word that came out of my mouth.

"B-because I have a new girlfriend .. Her name is Sandara Park." When he told me that he just walked out and I can't do anything about it than to watch him fade in the crowd.

Days had passed , I'm trying to forget him ... to move on ...

But when I decided to watch something to divert my attention on some interesting things. I regret opening the tv because all the tv networks are interviewing someone ... And it's him.

"We just want to ask you if the allegation are true, That you left you're ex-girlfriend because she's pregnant? Is that true?." When the reporter asked that I felt like my knees became a jelly.

But what is the worst part of that interview is his answer.
I felt like the world stopped.

"No that's not true , Because I never had a girlfriend ... Dara is my first and will be my last girlfriend. And Dara is 3 months pregnant, we're expecting a baby girl." He said with a bright smile.

How can he smile as bright as that ? When I can't even eat or stop myself from crying every night? And 3 months? He's been cheating on me for 3 months ... I'm so stupid for not being able to realize it.

When I'm about to go to the kitchen to get some water to calm myself I felt a pain in my tummy and then all I can see is dark.

When I woke up all I can see is white ceiling, white walls and many tubes from the machines that are connected to my body.

Then my best friend enter the room with a dry tears in her cheeks. I unconsciously rub by belly when she come closer and held my left hand tightly.

"How do you feel ?" Sharlene asked. I looked somewhere before I speak.

"I'm f--fine." My voice broke because I know myself. I'm just lying and I'm not fine because of him. I felt her hug me and I can't stop myself from crying because of what I feel right now.

"I know you are hurt right now because of him but you can't let yourself be like this, think about your baby. Your baby will suffer the most." Sharlene said while caressing my back. I just nod while crying.

When I got out from the hospital , I decided to go out of the country to forget the past... To live with the child that I'm surely love more than him.

When I finished packing my things I called my Best friends to tell them my plan to go to Japan. At first they are trying to stop me but when I explained my reasons slowly they let me ... But they promised to visit me every week. I'm really lucky to have them even if sometimes they act like a lunatic that just came out from a mental institution.

From now on , the nice and weak Lana Kim will be gone forever ...

And the brave and fearless Reiko Yu will be born.

See You Again Chanyeol and Sandara Park.

Brace your self I'll take my revenge on both of you

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