Oppa = Brother

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Lana's POV

"What can I hel---." I couldn't finish the sentence that I'm about to say because I instantly recognized this guy.

"Did you miss me ?." My brother said as he stand up to hug me. Ace - Oppa ...

"O-ofcourse ." I said as I hug him tight.

"So how are you ?." Ace - Oppa asked as we sit facing each other.

"I'm fine , why are you here anyways ?." I suddenly asked him.

"Visiting you and the company that I'm working to is having a concert here." Ace-Oppa explained. Suddenly his eyes became sad while looking at me.

"Did you knew that when you left, all of us became worried and we didn't have enough sleep because of that ? So I'm asking you as your big brother ... Why did you leave us ?." Ace - Oppa said while holding my hand. I just stayed quiet for a minute thinking of how will I tell him about channie.

"Oppa... I have a son. That's the reason why I left... I'm sorry oppa. Please don't be mad." I said while starting to cry he hugged me.

"Stop crying baby , You know I don't want like seeing you cry. Don't worry I'm not mad maybe a little disappointed but I love you so much that I can't stay mad at you."  He said while rubbing my back gently.

"Thanks Oppa ... Ahm .. Where are they ? Are they successful now ? Did they debut already ?." I asked him with a smile diverting the topic . Ace-Oppa chuckled because of that.

"Yes they already debut last April 8 , 2012 (Am I right ?). And they are currently in the hotel to rest for concert the day after tomorrow." He answer while smiling at me.

"How come I didn't know that ? Neither Sharlene nor Jobel told me that." I said while pouting. He just pinch my nose then laugh.

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