Chapter 3 : Begging

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'Pl-please master...'

'Tell me what you want, pet.'


'Maybe I should let you here and let you think about it...'

'I-I want to cum, please m-master make me cum!' I said while tugging on my restraints.

'Good boy. It wasn't too hard was it?' Dimitri said while playing with my hair soothingly.

I only whimpered in an answer and waited. I was waiting for him to do something, but he didn't. Was he gone? Did he let me here all alone? When I started to panic I heard some footsteps. I was relieved in some sort. One time he let me in my room like that horny as hell and didn't return for the last two days. It was torture and I didn't want to experience it again.

A sudden sting appeared on my nipples and I cried out. I was going to take off whatever it was, but Dimitri was faster and caught my hands and tied them over my head. I whimpered and I was panting of pain... but at my horror also because of excitement.

'It seems that someone like to feel some pain. You like the nipples clamps pet?' he said teasingly.

I only whined in answer, no word coming out of my mouth. Or even if I could I didn't think that I'll be able to say anything without moaning and panting.

'You have been a good boy and good boy need to be rewarded.' he said and gave me a rough kiss making me moan.

When he finally let go of my mouth, I gasped for air. Before I could breathe normally, another gasp took it away. I was a moaning mess, it felt so good feeling his hot lips around my cock. I could cum at any moment if I wasn't restraining myself.

'M-master... I'm... I'm about to... To c-cum! M-may I?' I pleaded knowing I won't be able to hold it very long.

He didn't say anything, he just continued to deep throat me. I moaned and I was about to cum, like really close.


I didn't want to be punished because he didn't give me permission. Maybe he was doing it on purpose, wanting me to be punished. Please, please stop... I chanted this in my head like a mantra.

Then he stopped at the exact moment I thought I would explode. Without permission, a grunt of frustration came out of me and my hips just bumped up trying to get some friction. I was so close, I really wanted to, but I couldn't not without... His permission... This time, I groaned because of anger, I just realized how I was letting him controlling me so easily... Not that I did want to obey him... I don't know... My mind so confused right now...

'So a good boy...' he purred while touching me everywhere.

I was a moaning mess, I was so sensitive and my body ached in frustration. I really want to cum. I wanted him to touch me, I wanted to feel him.

I gasped when I felt something alien entering me.

'You're even tighter than before... Sucking my finger inside... Enticing me...' Dimitri growled.

I whimpered in answer. Of course, I would be tighter I didn't do it for one year! I was just so concentrated to put back my life in place before he... Incarcerated me... in the room... Well, I think...

He put a finger and started scissoring my ass and then he pressed somewhere and I couldn't stop moaning anymore. It was too much I think I'm going to...

I felt something cold on the end of my dick and suddenly I couldn't ejaculate anymore, but was still horny as hell. I whimpered and snap my eyes open to see what it was. And j actually saw something. I did remember having a blindfold on. When did he take it off? Anyways, I looked at my shaft and saw a ring at the base of it. I whimpered again and tugged on my restraints.

'We don't want you to cum without permission do we?' he asked with a raised eyebrow.

He was teasing me, he knew I didn't have the right to cum without HIS permission.

'Please... Master...' I just answered.

'I like to hear you beg pet. It turns me on so much.' he purred and played with my prostate again.

I gasped and struggled with the restraints.


'Please, what?'

'Please master... Please stop teasing me... Please...'

'What do you want then?' he said and again stroked it again.

'I want... You... Please...' I hesitantly said these words.

I don't believe I had to beg him to fuck me! But it's not like I have a choice... One time I resisted and well it didn't end well...

'Good boy.' he answered and kissed me deeply playing with my tongue.

Moment later he pulled out his fingers from my ass.

'You were a good boy today, I'm going to reward you now.'

He took a bottle of lube and poured some on his hands. He lubricated my ass with his fingers. Then he stripped and was now between my legs showing me his sexy body...

Don't tell me I just said he was sexy? And his... His cock didn't seem this big at the time or is just me? His cock was huge, he would tear me apart! If you didn't know, I'm a virgin. Even thought he played with me for a year, he didn't fuck me.

I looked at the monster again, I'm so going to hurt.

'Like what you're seeing pet? And don't worry, I won't make it hurt too much. You have been such a good boy.' he praised me while reassuring me.

I don't know if I should relax or panic. Well, I was already freaking out. I started to tremble and I think Dimitri tried to reassure me with a gentle kiss. He succeeded to distract me from his monster and I relaxed. I broke the kiss and started to gasp for some air. And without warning, he started to push it in.

'Relax pet and push. It'll help to relieve the pain.' he whispered in my ear.

I only whimpered and pushed trying to push away some pain at the same time. I was surprised when I pushed because it got deeper, so I stopped. But with me doing it or not he continued to invade my ass. I whimpered in pain and he stopped pushing.

I felt so full... I think he got all the way in and even if he didn't, I didn't think more could enter. Everything was silent and we could only hear me panting. After a moment, the pain dulled and Dimitri noticed it. So he started to pull out and then push back in, but this time deeper than before. Again and again, until he was fully in and at this time I was a moaning mess. The pain was replaced by pleasure. Then he hit the spot he was fingering earlier and I just screamed in pleasure. His thrusts were getting faster and harder always hitting the spot. Then I felt pleasure rushing through me and knew that I would soon orgasm.

'M-master... I-I'm go... Going to... Cum... Pleaseletmecum!' I struggled to talk through the pleasure I was receiving.

'Not yet.' he just answered.

He continued to abuse my ass and prostate. The feeling of my climax was so close and if it wasn't for the cock ring I would already be done. Dimitri thrusts became a bit more shallow, but always as powerful.

'I'm close pet I'm going to...' he didn't finish his sentence when I clenched my ass.

I felt something hot being poured inside of me and I moaned at this sensation. Then an incommensurable pleasure took me by surprise. I came so hard and there was so much cum that came out that I did a very big mess. I was panting hard trying to stabilize my breath, but I couldn't move anymore. I was so tired yet strangely satisfied and darkness engulfed me.

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I hope you have enjoyed it!
Smuty scenes of almost two chapters aren't we lucky??
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