Chapter 6 : Giving up

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'What happened a year ago? You don't remember?' he asked while raising an eyebrow.

'N-no. There's something missing...' I tried to say confidently.

'Which part?'


'Aden, it'll all be faster if you do.' he said with a sight.

'Well... I remember that we started to get close and the next day, you started to treat me like a dog, like calling me pet and rape me...' I said the last part in a murmur.

'I see, so you really don't remember.' his tone didn't betray him, but his eyes did.

'What? What do you mean by that?' I asked confused.

'The day before I start 'treating you like a dog' was after you accepted to be my sub and...' he stopped talking and looked nervous?

'And?' I encouraged him.

'And... My lover.'

'What?' I said not trusting my ears.

'Aden, you're... You were my boyfriend and consented to be my sub, but... It seems that it doesn't matter anymore, you rejected me.' he said with a sad tone.

'I... I really did?' I said not really believing at his words.

'Yeah. At first, you were just my sub, so we signed a contract, but we grew closer and since then we didn't need anymore.'

'Show me the first contract, I ever signed, please.' I said right after he finished.

He opened a drawer and took out a document with a lot of pages maybe 10? He gave it to me and I took it. Not wasting time, I immediately looked at the end searching for my signature and obviously I found it. I looked back at the sad man in front of me.

'So it's the truth, huh?' I said with a sight.

He only nodded in answer and waited in silence in order for me to finish reading the document. It was not a fake... I knew signature could be copied, but I wrote on the document and it definitely was my writing.

So it wasn't what I was thinking it was... I... I was in the wrong, not him...

'Why?' said Dimitri out of nowhere.

'Why what?'

'Why didn't you tell me that you didn't remember? Why didn't you do something to make me understand you didn't want it? I... I would have stopped and explain everything to you...'

'I-I... I don't know...'

We stayed in silence for a good ten minutes.

'Do you have a place to stay?'

I shook my head and I heard him sigh. Maybe he was angry because I ran off without having anywhere to go.

'I will show you the guest room.' he continued while getting out of the chair.

'Thank you...' I answered while following him.

We walked and when we finally stopped, it was a different room from the one I lived in before. He opened it and I went inside looking around.

'There're clothes in the drawers and if you need something, use the phone on the table. It will call a maid.' he said and was already leaving.

'W-wait! A-and you? Where's your room?' I asked shyly.

'At the other side of the house. Like I said, call a maid if you need something and... You're free to stay as long as you want.' he answered gently yet his tone was cold and continued to walk down the hallway.

I think I really hurt him this time... 

I'm really sorry! I know that it wasn't a long chapter, sorry! But I still hope you guys still likes it! And I promise you all for something exciting soon.

See ya and happy Halloween!

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