Its Nice To See A Old Friend.

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Hey Guys sorry for the small updates Its been busy here. Hopefully I can make bigger updates soooo Enjoy~


~~Zelda's View~~ (Yea, A New view!!)

"Zelda, Don't Cry, I'm Okay." (Y/n) says in a weak voice

"No your not, you 'almost' died just protecting 'me'!!" I yelled

"Yea, 'Almost'."

*sigh* "Just Please you are my best friend, (Y/n)."

"Fine, Zelda have a goodnight."

"Ok, 'You' Too"

~~Time skip & Your view~~

It was Late at night I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to sleep. There was just too many things on my mind. I look around and see nothing but 'Darkness'.

"Its Nice Too See A Old Friend" I said to the darkness around me.

Then A voice in my head said

"Nice too see 'you too', (y/n)" After this my head started hurting so much my ears started to ring. As i put my hand to my ears i feel a warm liquid, then I look at my hands and see 'Blood'.

I  run to the sink and see my eyes were Black with a red dot in the middle. There was blood coming out of my eyes like tears. I never cried like this, well really I hadn't cried since I was 5. Then I started to see a shadowed figure standing next to me, first I thought it was a Sombra (shadow in Spanish).

But this figure had red eyes full red eyes, I know who or what this thing is its a Akuma (demon in Japanese) It grabbed me and had thrown me to the wall outside of the bathroom. Pain waved over my body. Them I heard the door nob jiggle like some one in trying to get in. Then I hear My name.

"(Y/N)!! OPEN THE DOOR" I hear a all to familiar male voice.

"" I say very soft.

"(Y/N) ARE YOU OKAY???!!!" This time I hear panic in his voice

I see the Akuma walking to the door. i stand up and from where I stand I see the mirror. Now I see My eyes are (E/C) again. As I Run too the door before Akuma opens it or should I say an 'Old Friend'  .

"LINK, Get Away form the Door!!" I yelled but it hurt.

Then Akuma opened it. Link was standing there with a face I haven't see a hero wear before. He looks at me. Then He takes out his sword and slashes at the Akuma.


"You, Human are so weak" I hear Akuma say


As Link tried hitting and slicing Akuma nothing worked. Then link fell to his knees but quickly got up. When Link got up Akuma hit him in the gut and send him flying to the wall. As they were fighting I got up and Limped to where my sword was.

I know. I know how to Defeat Akuma. I know because I was boned with him when I was 6.But lets hope i'm still alive. As I held the sword in my hand   I pointed it towards me. I Pointed it to my lower stomach on the right. I poked it and Akuma fell to the floor and looked at me.

"What do you think your doing, (Y/N)?!" Akuma said

"Getting rid of you, Akuma"

"No, you better put that sword down!"

"GoodBye, Old Friend"

And with that I pushed the sword deep into my stomach. Akuma started screaming  or yelling ((how am i going to know how a boy screams like?))Then I turned it, more blood was coming out, there was now a puddle of blood under me.

Then I look at Link His eyes are full of fear. Turn back to look at Akuma I see he's gone. I pull out the sword And fell but before I made contact with the floor Link had caught me Then i Blacked out.

~~Link's View~~

I caught (Y/n) before she fell to the ground. I picked up (Y/n) Piggy-back style ((IDK whats it called)) and ran out the door to the hospital part of the castle. Luckily There was someone in there. I was still surprised that That Akuma Was Defeated by (Y/n) Stabbing herself.

I put (Y/n) On the bed as the doctor takes care of her. And (y/n) just got over some other big injuries. what could be causing this....I wounder if this happened to (y/n) before . I should ask Zelda When she wakes up. I wounder Why do i care so much about a girl that i just meet a few days ago?


I swag my head around too see (y/n) moving! thats good, I feel refiled for some reason. I always get this feeling when i'm around (y/n). I don't Remember her from any where. But she reminds me of a Girl i was friends with before she diapered one day without a trace of anything. Me and her were Best of Best Friends. So I was Very sad when she was gone.

"Hey, (y/n) are you OK?" I ask with worry in my voice

"..i don't....know..." (y/n) said with pain in her voice

"OK." I said in a sadden voice

I walk out the room so (y/n) can get some sleep. I look back at the door i was wondering if (y/n) was the girl I was friends with a long time ago....No if That was the girl i know she would have known it was me. I was about to walk away until i heard two voices in that room that I just walk out of. One was (y/n) and one sounded Demonic.

~~Your View~~

"OK" Link Said in A sadden voice

As He walked out I started to feel something take over me. But Then it stopped after a little bit I start to remember something about my childhood I see a Dirty Blonde boy running up a hill. The sky was a bright baby blue the clouds were white a fluffy . The Grass was a beautiful green with the flowers placed everywhere. The sun shined so it gave the golden effect on the world. Then he yelled my name with a smile. Then I see everything fall into darkness. I open my eyes and see a girl that looked like me.

She had my face and body but her eyes were Black as night and her hair was White as snow. Then she smirked she had teeth sharp as a knife.

"Hello, (Y/n)" The look-alike me said

"Who are You? and How do you know my name?" I said going to grab my sword.

"No need to ask the question's I know all this stuff cause I'm you or i'm your Shadow."

"NO! you are not my shadow!, you just...can't.."

"Oh. and why can't I be your Shadow (Y/N)?"

As Shadow (Y/n) turns her legs into like a mist she flies around the real (Y/n) who is not hugging her legs. Shadow (Y/n) took (Y/n)'s chin in her hand and started whisper.

"I'm always there not madder you like it or not, (Y/n). I am 'You'..."

~~~~End Of This Chapter~~~~

on to the next one!!

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