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The idea of this story was @Kimmy_4567 she thought of the idea and hope you guys love the idea as much as I do.


~~Nina's View~~

I look to big sis and saw a man with blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. He seemed friendly toward big sis, and Big sis put down the stick. She let him in and I saw them having a friendly conversion.

"Hey (Y/n), How are you?" The man said with a smile.

"Link! I'm Good. Where have you been? I haven't seen you for almost a mouth!" Big sis said hugging him.

"W-wow I'm Fine I just had to do a job for Zelda. Sorry, I didn't tell you." 

"It's fine. Oh did you eat  dinner yet?" 

"No. why?"

"Cause your just in time for dinner!" 

Big sis pulled him toward the kitchen and started making a bowl for him. I glare at the man called Link. 

"Umm...Hello?" Link said  


"Oh, Yea I forgot, Link this is Nina and Nina this is Link."

My face turns from a glare to a warm happy smile.

"Hi, Link! I'm Nina." 


'Should I trust him?' I thought.

He looked at me and asked a question.

"So Nina...when and how did you meet (Y/n)?"


"I just wanted to know."

"I just meet her a few minutes about..."

"Ok! Here's your food Link!" Big sis said walking back over to us.

When she sat down we all started eating. I feel my taste buds dancing around in my mouth. Not so long after I finished.

"Can I have another bowl?!" I asked happily.

(Y/n) giggled and said 'yes', she took my bowl and started heading towards the kitchen and got me another bowl of soup. Then when I got my bowl back and then I notice that Big sis wasn't eating properly.

"Hey Big sis, why aren't you eating?"

Link notice that I said 'Big sis' but then focused on the question I asked.

"What are you talking about Nina? I'm just done eating see?" Big sis moved her bowl to the side.

Then Big sis got her bowl and washed it, Link and I were done also. We were going to wash our own bowl but Big Sis said she would.

I looked at the time and saw it was 11: 24 p.m. Soon enough I yawned.

"Are you Tired Nina?" Big Sis asked.

"Yea a little..." 

Soon I feel arms picking me up and see Big sis walking toward a room.

"Here, it was a guest room but you can us it for now."

"Really?.Thank you.." My sleepy self-said.

"hey Link, you can stay for the night if you want. Plus it's pretty late to go anywhere." 

"If it's ok with you then I will." 

As Big sis put me down on the bed and put me in the cover and was about to walk away. I grabbed her bottom shirt feeling a little scared and said.

(NEW OWNER)(Discontinued)  Until Forever Ends(Link X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now