Chapter 11:You Found Who?

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Few Months Later

Rebbeca's POV

TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY IMMA BE 11!!  I run downstairs and hug Zayn. "Happy birthday sweety." "Thanks daddy." "I got a suprise for you, well two suprises!" "Yay!" "Okay first one is A BRAND NEW PHONE!""Oh my gosh!" It was a iphone5 with a one direction case on it. "I picked out the cover!" I smiled at Niall. "And your second suprise is, You finally get to meet your mom Perrie." "I GETTA MEET PERRIE LOUISE EDWARDS!" They look at me shocked. "Glad your a fan." I turn around and see her. My idol. The person I saw whenever I walked by the TV store. "Y-y-your, My m-m-mom is Perrie Edwards." "Yeah she is now give me a hug." She pulls me into a bear hug. "You are so pretty, I'm kinda scared because you look like Zayn." "That's what Harry said." "Where's Louis?" "I don't know getting her a gift maybe?" I shrugged. "How do you like your phone?" "It's awesome, so pretty and unique." "Just like my little daughter." "I finally have a family." "A family that loves you." "GROUP HUG." Louis ran down the stairs. "I heard group hug!" He ran ad leaped onto Perrie and Zayn. "AHH!" I jumped on top of Louis. Then Niall,Harry, and suprisingly Liam. "Can't breath!!" They all laugh and get off.  Louis phone started ringing. "Hello? Why do you care? Your what! How do I know your not lying! Oh,where should we meet? Got it, yes I will bring her. DOESNT GUARENTEE IM GIVING HER BACK!Bye." "Who was that Louis?" "It was Becca's Mother." My mom was still alive? But how! "No, they can't be alive!" "We're gonna meet her at Nandos, Trust me we wouldn't give you up for the world." I felt tears trickle down my cheek. "Why are you crying?" "I am afraid that you will let them take me, and I will have to go back to my old life!" "What's wrong with your old life?" "My mom and dad abused me. My mom was addicted to alchol and my dad was addicted to drugs. I had two other sisters, but they went to an orphanage." "Why didn't they take you?" "My mom and dad hid me, so that I would stay with them." "They didn't, you know." "Yes, but only my dad.My mom would never go that far on me. Sometimes she was nice to me, but when she was drinking and stuff she was a total jerk!" More tears were bursting out of my eyes." "But i thought you loved your mum and dad, that's what it sounded like when we barley met you." "I meant I wanted a mom and dad, not exactly meaning my parents." "How many scars and burned marks do you have?" "Millions." "Do you mind, showing us?" "O-okay." "You don't have to!" "No, you have to know the truth." I pulled up my shirt sleve and put my fingers to my tounge to wipe off the make up. "How did you get that make up." "Louis had some in his room from the last time El stayed." I wiped all of it off. And I showed my bare skin. Scars were everywhere. I had knife,glass,fire,brusies everything you could think off." They were all in tears of the site. Perrie head was buried in Zayn's kneck crying. "There's more." I pulled my other sleeve off and did the same thing. This one was mostly just cuts and burn spots. "How did we not notice this?" "I always wear long sleeve shirts." Zayn and Perrie pulled me into a hug. "We will never let you go back to that person." "I lost my virginity when I was 4 Zayn. 4!!!" "Is that why you were so scared when you came home." "Yes, because he reminded me of my dad." Perrie left the room crying. I guess she couldn't take it anymore. "Have you ever broken anything." "My dad broke my leg 2 times. My mom broke my ribs 2 times. And my arm has been broken 5 times." And cue more tears. Louis was looking on the internent. "Zayn," "Yes mate?" "We have to give her back." "WHAT LOUIS ARE YOU CRAZY!" "Mate, we didn't legally adopt her, if we don't give her back we can get arrested." "I am not giving her back! Even if that means going to prision!" "Zayn it's life in prision, or death." All the boys had fear on their eyes. "Well, you wussys go to the police! REPORT ME FOR ALL I CARE BUT I AM NOT GIVING BECCA BACK TO THAT BITCH!" "We have no choice Zayn." I could not belive what I was hearing. He went close to Louis and looked him strait in the eyes. "We give up Becca, then I give up my life!" He pushed him  them left the room. Louis looked at me with a sorry smile. "I can not believe you would even suggest that Lou, and to think the night before Zayn adopted me I was finally gonna call you dad!" I felt tears come down. "YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT SHE DID TO ME!!" "Listen." "NO YOU LISTEN YOU PEASENT! I AM NEVER GOING BACK TO HER! OKAY NOW DONT SAY WE HAVE TO!ITS THE LAW! I DONT WANNA GET ARRESTED!" "BECCA SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!" "Now you just sound like my father!" He just looked at me "Get out of the living room and head to your room you brat!" Tears were busting out my eyes. "You just really wanna sound like my dad don't you!" "I DO NOT SOUND LIKE YOUR DAD!" He slapped me in the face really hard! I fell on the ground crying. "LOUIS WHAT THE HELL!!" "IF YOU KEEP ACTING UP THEN I WILL GIVE YOU SOMETHING EVEN WORSE TO CRY ABOUT!" I couldn't believe him right now! I was now scared. "Lou, what's wrong with you!" "She is being a brat!" "She is not being a brat! She has a right to be mad! You tell her she's not leaving, then you tell her she has to leave!" "Niall, just leave it alone. I have to leave." I got up my cheek was so sore! I went to my room and just laid down and cried, and cried,and cried. I got up and headed to my closet. Someone opended my door.  "Becca,honey what are you doing?" "Louis wants me gone, I am gonna leave." "Hun, he doesn't want you gone." "Really, explain this bruise on my cheek!" I showed Perrie the bruise and she just gasped. "ZAYN!!" I heard footsteps then he was at my door. "Yeah?" "Look what Louis did to Becca!!!" He looked at me and then anger flashed in his eyes. "He's dead!" He ran down the stairs then I heard a table breaking. I hugged my mom crying my eyes out. "It's gonna be okay." "No it won't." I just cried until the fight was over. "ZAYN!!" "Lou, lad are you okay?!?!" Zayn runs up the stairs, bruisd all over. Perrie rushed over to him. "Are you okay?!" "Ya, but Louis isn't" He smirked. Her eyes got wide then she ran downstairs. I looked at my dad, this was the scariest I have ever seen him. "Becca, what's wrong?" "GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU MONSTER!" Then it hit me, this happended when he was hitting Louis. I just run to Perrie. She was helping Zayn. "Mom, I wanna sleep at your flat." She simply nodded then took me to the car and went back inside, then came back out and we left.

Zayn's POV

"Me and Becca are staying with Jade!" "What, why?" "You are acting like a total maniac! Until you control your anger I am not letting her here unless she is supervised!" I opended my mouth to say something but she read my mind, and interuppted me. "Not you supervision!" She went out the door and slammed it. I need some freaking sleep. I head to my room and lay down. I fall asleep instantly

   I Open the door and he just looks at me shocked.  "WHAT IN THE HELL WOULD YOU TAKE MY CAR WITHOUT MY PERMISSION, DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS THING COSTS, IF YOU WOULD HAVE DAMAGED IT I WOULD KILL YOU!!!" "Calm down zayn its just a car, i was only gone for a few hours" " I DONT GIVE A SH*T YOU TOOK IT WITHOUT EVEN TELLING ME TEXTING ME OR ANYTHING." "I swear you over react about everything!!" He throws my keys and hits me in the eye. Thats when i got mad. I smacked him across the face. He punched me and i pounced on him slamming him on the ground, i could hear him gasping air. "Get the fuck of me you maniac" I think that's what i hear him say. Louis ran outside and grabbed my arm and got me off him. He was holding his head in pain laying there in pain. "Thats what you get dont mess with you me you bitch!!!" I went inside i saw harry holding becca, she was crying. "What's wrong Becca?" I grabbed her arm softly. She doged away from me. "Get away from me you monster!" "Im not a monster Becca what are you talking about?!" " YOU HURT LIAM" She was crying hard. She ran to the restroom sobbing her eyes out. Harry just looks at me. "You happy now zayn, first you hurt liam and now becca is afraid  of you." He just shakes his head and tries to get beccaI woke up from that nightmare. Wait, that's what happended at the hospital!! "What did I do." I slammed my fist into the wall. Perrie left me, and so did Becca. I slammed another another hole into the wall. My fist were bleeding, it stung like hell! I didn't care. "Zayn?" "What?!" "The phone, for you." I grabbed the phone out of Niall's hand. "What." "Well, hi to you too." I realized it was Perrie. "Perrie!" "Yeah," "Did you need something?Not to be rude!" "Well, I need you to bring me clothes for Becca." My smile went away. "Fine." She hung up and I got clothes for her. Skinnies with t-shirt. And pajamas. I head to my car and drive to Perrie's house. I knock on her door and Jade answers. "Where's Perrie and Becca?" "I will not let you see her." "Why? You act like i'm a maniac." "You were acting like on earlier." I just roll my eyes and throw her the clothes. "Do not make this situation worse Zayn!" I give her the middle finger and head to my car. I felt like a jerk but I didn't care no more. I realized I wasn't the same Zayn anymore. I smiled, new Zayn in town.

Perrie's POV

I called Niall and he said we had to meet Becca's mom. It was morning and I was tired still. I was mad for what Zayn did to Jade. "Mom, is dad mad at us?" "I don't know Becca." She looked down. I felt so bad. Zayn was acting like a total jerk to everyone. "Zayn changed." I was shocked she said Zayn, she usually says dad. "He's not my dad anymore, I know what you were thinking." I look at her. "Don't say that, he adopted you." No, Louis adopted me, then he gave me to that monster!" I stare her in the eyes. "Don't ever say that about  him, I love you and he loves you. He is just not feeling like himself." She just walked out of the door to the living room. I sighed and sat in front of my mirror. "Hey." I looked to see Jade. "Hi." "Trouble in paradise?" I nodded. She hugged me. "It will get better, but Zayn is acting really diffrent. I'm kinda worried." "Me too Jade, me too." *At The Park* Becca was squeezing my hand really tight. "It's okay Becca." She looked around and froze, I saw what she was looking at. A woman in about her 30's sitting on a park bench smoking. She looked up and smiled. She came to Rebbeca and hugged her. "I missed you." Becca stood there frozen. She took her hand and started walking. "Thanks for taking care of her, goodbye." I grabbed Becca. "Excuse me, your not taking my daughter?" "Your daughter?" "Yeah." "You never legally adopted her." "What?" "I never sent her to an orphanage. There for she is still mine!" She yanked Becca's hand and she screamed in pain. "Becca are you okay!" She just nodded. "Come on Becca, your dad will be very happy to see you." "D-dad's alive?" "Yes dear, now let's go." "NO! I am staying with Perrie!" She looked very annoyed. She picked her up and she was kicking and screaming. I yanked Becca away from the women. "You will never get her back! She is not yours anymore! She told us everything you did to her and I will not let that happen again!" Anger flashed in the moms eyes. "Give me my daughter and you won't get hurt." "Never." She slapped me and I slapped her back. She literally pounced on me and I couldn't get her off. She got off and I couldn't move. I heard Becca. "MOM! MOM GET UP DON'T LET HER TAKE ME!" The world went black.

Hey guys! And Becca's mother is not Tricia! It is a random girl I would never do anything about Tricia :) well hope you like it! :)

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