Chapter 5

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"HEY, Wake up!" Kris said kicking me. "Ugg what time is it." I asked planting my face into the pillow."6. Now come on. We're going hiking." He stated."and when we come back we're going swimming in the lake." "Ewwww. cant i just stay here until you guys come back?" i asked facing kris. "but it wont be fun without you."he said. "so, you think im fun to be around?"I asked feeling flutters in my belly. "well yeah. Youre amusing to me and it seems boring without you." Wow. Just the smallest things he says makes me feel funny. "umm okay then. but on one condition." "im going to regret this right." he asked. "of course." i replied with an evil smirk.

we started the hike and I am already really tired. "Kris!" I yelled to him up ahead. He stopped and turned around then waited for me to catch up. "What?" He asked. "I change my mind. The deal is off. I can't walk any further. I'll just wait till you guys come back." "NO"he stated "What?" I asked. "No the deal isn't off and you are coming wether you like it or not." He replied carrying me on his shoulder. After a while of being carried I can tell he is tired. "Kris, I know I'm heavy. Put me down." I stated. "Nope. Not unless you promise to finish the hike we started." He replied. "Fine, I guess you have to suffer more then cuz I don't wanna walk." I said evilly. Soon after I started to feel bad for kris. He still carried me and he was breathing like a retarded dragon. "Hey Kris. Put me down now. I promise I'll finish the hike myself." I said. He slowly took me off his shoulder and gently place me on the ground. "Since I don't know if you're lying to me, I'm staying right beside you." He stated still gasping for air. "Mmkay. But don't you wanna walk with Tao instead?" I asked hoping he wouldn't say yes. "Well, Tao has friends...and um we're not together anymore." He said looking down. "Ohh I'm sorry." I said. "It's okay. Things happen, life changes. We just have to live through it. Why didn't you go with suho?" He asked. "Suho is camp assistant so he's probably all the way ahead." I replied. More time passed and I started slowing down. "Come on lay, we're almost there. The top is right there." He said pointing. "Ugh who even invented hiking? It's so stupid." I said wheezing a little. "Are you okay? Want me to carry you the rest of the way?" He asked. "I can do it myself. I got this." I replied. "Last time you said you got this, I ended up helping you." He stated. "That's cuz u were rushing me." I said back. "So I have to rush you? Okay" he said as he grabbed my hand and started making his way past students. Soon we reached the end our hike. "Don't make me do that again." I said. "It's okay. We probably won't. We're going downhill after this." He said smiling. "Stop doing that!" I screamed. "Doing what?" He asked. "Showing me that smile." I replied. "Why. I don't look good smiling? You said I do." He said. "Exactly! Gosh! You have issues. Stop smiling! Your making me feel weird. I don't like it. Imma go away to suho now." I said walking away. I stopped and looked back to see kris just standing in the spot I left him. "Hey!" I yelled. He turned to face me. "We'll aren't you coming?" I asked as he made his way to me. "What. You thought imma leave you and watch you be a loner? I'm much nicer than that mr.eiffel tower." I stated. "Yea. You're so nice you're making cute nicknames for me now." He said sarcastically. "SUHO!" I yelled when he came into view. He came towards me and kris. "Heyy! What's up?" He said. "Nothin much. Just hanging with krease since you decided it would be fun to be camp assistant without me." I said. "I asked you if you would join with me but you turned it down." Suho replied. "Yea cuz I don't like doing work." I said happily. "Ohh whatever. Soooo kris. Tao told me what happened. Don't be mad but, I kinda like him so is it okay if ,you know, if I flirt with him?" He asked. Kris looked at suho a bit surprised. "Sure. I'm sure he's already over me." He said. "Really! Thanks kris. Bye lay. Imma go find Tao." Suho said running away. Why didn't kris hesitate. He just agreed straight forward without any thought like he wanted suho and Tao to be together. Who cares. That means I have a chance with him.

We played a couple games and then it was time we headed back. "Kris, last one down is a rotten egg!" I yelled running ahead of everyone. Just when I thought I was winning, kris passed me smirking. After so long of trying to pass kris, he ended up beating me. "Who's the rotten egg now?" He said handing me a bottle of water. "Oh shut up. That was just luck." "Whatever floats your boat". "I don't have a boat". "It's just a saying" "ohh okay." "Okay everyone! Change to your swimming suits and lets SWIM!" The camp leader stated. "Woohoo! Yah!" People yelled running into their tents. Me and kris ran to ours. I was looking for my swimming trunks and when I turned, kris was already stripping. "Holy crap! What are you doing?!" I asked. "What? I'm changing. I wanna go swimming too you know." He replied. "Nonononono get out" I said pushing him out of the tent. When he got out I finally got dressed. I actually don't mind if kris were to change in here but I don't want him to see some scars I have. In grade school I was bullied cuz I looked like a girl. Nowadays I don't give a crap and if people mess with me, they will suffer. "K kris! You can come in now." I yelled. He comes in. "We'll aren't you gunna give me privacy now?" He asked. "Nope. I still need to blow up my floaty." I replied joyfully. "You can't swim?" He asked. "I do it's just not good. And my body's kinda weak so I get tired easily." I said. Silence came after. "Okay I'm done blowing it up. See you later." I said rushing out the tent.


hehe he still hasn't learned to swim yet. And he has a unicorn tube. So cute. I finished changing and made my way to the lake. I was planning on hanging with lay but he was surrounded by a bunch of girls who thought lay was cute cuz he's small and can't swim. You could tell that some guys were jealous cuz they're watching from afar. Anywho, I decided to go see Tao. I went up to him and he was apparently flirting with suho again. "Hey" I said. "Hey" Tao replied. "Well I'll talk to you later. Bye" suho said going to his other friends. "So I see things are going well so far." I said. "Yupp" he replied. "What about you and lay?" He asked. "I don't know. He doesn't express his feeling that much." I replied glancing at lay having fun.

When it started to get dark everyone was going back to their tents and changing for tonight's bonfire.i decided to change before lay got back so he won't make me wait outside. Time passed and I still haven't seen lay around. Suddenly his friend popped up in front of me. "Have you seen lay?" He asked. "No, I thought he was with you." I replied. "I'll find him. If he doesn't come back to the camp fire before it ends then you could go in your tent and ill make sure he's safe." He said before jogging away.


"lay? How long has it been? 6 years?" It was the guy who bullied me when I was little. "Wow and you seem to have met some friends. AND you learned how to do math! congratulations dipshit." I said shivering a little on the peir and from still being in my swimming trunks ."What did you call me?!" He asked angrily. "You heard me. What you want me to spell it out? D-I-P-SHIT" I stated. "That's it. Guys grab him" he ordered. "Let go of me!" I screamed. "I bet you were lying you could swim. Let go see if that's real". "HEY STOP" suho yelled running over to this situation. "Oh so you have a little friend. That's nice." He said before punching suho in the face. "Suho!!" I said shaking out of the two guys' arms. "Stop. Do anything to me but don't hurt suho." I said with my arms out trying to protect my friend. "Good for me" he smirked. Soon it a an all physical fist fight. I ended up getting beat up pretty bad. I could feel the bruises and black eye I had. "Throw him in the lake." He ordered. "I know he could swim so let's go. If you two tell any adults imma beat your sorry asses." He said before I was thrown into the lake. Why? I thought. Why me? The I saw suho reaching his hand out to me and pulled me to the surface. "Thanks suho." I said colder than before. "That's what friends are for. They stick up for eachother." Than he helped me limp to my tent "I think every oNe is asleep" suho said as he helped me walk to my tent."good night lay." He said. "Good night. And suho, just say I hit my head to the pier, fell in and you save me." I said. "Are you sure." "Yea". "Mmkay." See ya tomorrow bye." I went back into the tent I shared with kris. "Lay is that you? It's too dark to see." Kris asked sleepily. "Yea. Go back to sleep." I changed to my sleeping clothes and ended up quietly crying myself to sleep.

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