|| Chapter 8 ||

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Your POV. 


 I didn't dare disobey the orders of the girl. Slowly feeding myself spoonfuls ofmashed potatoes, corn, and turkey. I was surprised to see myself still alive.I half expected to drop dead from some type of poisoning the moment I ate. Herearlier words remained in my mind as I ate, slightly giving me discomfort."You would be dead had he not taken you when he did." What did she mean bythat?I stopped eating, and sat the half empty plate beside me. Thoughts on possibilitiesof how, who would cause me to die flowed through my mind. Could it be Vaati? 

No,it most certainly couldn't, Link locked Vaati away years before. My mind switchedfrom reason to reason, and then a new question formed.'Why does he care?'The door suddenly opened, revealing Dark himself. He stepped in slightly closingthe door behind him, giving a small glance to the half cleared plate sitting on thebed."Are you done?""Yes." My voice came out in a meek tone.He hurried over to the plate, picking it up and walking back towards the door. Thatquestion rang through my head again.Why does he care? 

"Why am I here." I asked, completely expecting him to just ignore me and walk off.  

"You would have died had I left you back in your kingdom." His voice had a slighthint of sadness, but it quickly picked itself back up and turned to it's normalemotionless tone."Why do you care whether I live or die?" I asked, this time specifying what I wantedin the answer."Why do you ask so many questions?" He said in a defensive tone, dodging myquestion. 

"I've asked you two questions Dark, and I would much appreciate an answer.""You don't need to know." And with that he left, slightly slamming the door as hewent away. I listened to his boots click along the hallway as he made it to whateverroom he had been heading towards."What is he hiding.." I mumble curling back up into the corner of my chamber. 


I raised my head up from the spot it had rested atop my knees. I must've fallenasleep, the lamp that had been on earlier was now shut off. Something fuzzy andwarm was wrapped around my shoulders, most likely a blanket, and no light spilledin through the cracks of the door."Dark!" I screamed, hoping he was nearby and heard me scream.Not to long after I heard footsteps run down the halls, and the door opened. 

A verysleepy looking Dark Link peeked in, glaring at me as he noticed nothing wrong."What.""Can you please tell me why you saved me, I want to know." I pleaded, hoping hehad some sympathy.He walked out of the room and gave me a small, "Hold on." I heard another dooropen and shut as he went in, and moments later I could hear him walking backdown the hallway again. 

 "Here." He said throwing a small piece of paper down on the bed as he leanedagainst the wall.I looked at the picture, almost breaking down once I saw what was on it.


Not my Part!


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