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Alex screamed in shock and let go of Tobin's hand.

"What the hell-"

People were going crazy, fleeing down the streets from some enemy that Alex couldn't detect, but knew was bad.

Somewhere in the crowd, Alex heard Tobin scream her name.


"Tobes!" Alex yelled, pushing her way through the crowd. "Tobin!! Where are you?!?!"


Alex whipped around to see Julie running towards her, face pale, as if she'd seen a ghost.

"Alex, you have to help me," Julie grabbed her arms.

Alex's eyes widened. The dream! It was coming true!

Oh my god, she thought, panicking. Oh my god!


Julie's voice snapped her back into reality.

"Alex, I- I can't find Christen."

Julie's eyes were wide in fear.

"Alex, you have to help me," she repeated.

"Jules, I can't find Tobin either."

The two players were suddenly knocked backwards as the crowd surged forward. Alex whacked her head against a wall, causing her to see stars while Julie was swept away.

"Julie!" Alex screamed.

She looked around, desperate to find Tobin.

"TOBIN!!" she screamed. "TOBIN, WHERE ARE YOU?!?!"

Alex pushed her way through the mob, hoping for a glimpse of her girlfriend.

"Everyone back!!" A police officer ordered.

"We've got the situation under control!" Another yelled.

"Dispatch, we've got a 207A," someone said into their radio.

"Officers, please," Alex tried to get their attention. "My friend is missing, what's a 207A?"

"A 207A, ma'am, is an attempted kidnapping," one officer replied. "We have to secure the area," he spoke into his radio.

"Sir, we've also caught a 417K," someone said through the radio.

"What's that?" Alex asked, hoping that it wasn't something bad.

"A 417K, is someone with a knife," the officer replied. "Copy that," he added into his radio.

"Sir, we have a victim. Repeat. Sir we have a victim."

Alex's heart stopped.


The officer motioned Alex over.

"Follow me," he spoke, gravely. "This might be you're friend."

Alex followed the officer to an alleyway closed off by yellow police tape.

A detective and a few agents were over by the victim.

The officer waved them off.

"Is this your friend?" he asked, gesturing.

For a moment, Alex couldn't breathe. She couldn't talk.

"No," she whispered. "Oh god, no."

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