Chapter Eight

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Hope was walking through a great dark forest, clothed in a hoodie and sweatpants. The sights and sounds were vaguely familiar, but not of which a forest should make. No, these were sounds of agony, of pain. Of death and despair.

The forest itself was quiet. No birds chirped, no breeze rustled the leaves of the trees. Hope was alone, haunted by the sounds of ghost-like mourning.

She was unaware of her fear- the thought not even on her conscience- as she wandered deeper and deeper into the forest of doom.

Hope came to rest at a stream that flowed beautiful turquoise water and sat down, listening to the voices.

A edge of doubt pricked at her mind as she stared at the water. There's no way it's really that blue, she thought.

No sooner than she'd thought it, the water revealed to be a greenish-gray.

I knew it, she smiled to herself.

Hope laid her head on the soft, green grass. Ahh, she sighed. This is great.

She looked up at the sky and suddenly cried out in fear.

She saw Kelley, crying and screaming.

"No!" Kelley screamed. "You can't take her!!! You can't take her!!! She's not mental!! You can wake her up!!"

Hope felt a sickening feeling in her stomach as she finally realized what was going on. She was in a dreamscape. Nothing was real. Not the forest, not the voices, not anything...

Suddenly, the ground gave way beneath her and she screamed.

She was falling, falling, falling into a fiery pit of pure hell. Fire blazed in her vision as Hope screamed in panic and agony.

Oh god, oh god, she thought. When will I ever wake up?!?!


"Ms. Press, put the glass down."

Christen turned to see the doctors and nurses rushing into her ward. She looked down at the piece of glass at her wrist, then looked up at them as she put it down.

A nurse rushed to sweep up the broken shards and dispose of them while Julie watched, an expression of fear still written on her features.

Doctors collaborated around her, muttering medical theories and diagnostics.

"I'm not suicidal," Christen tried to pipe up. "It's just..."

Her voice trailed off as she stared at Julie.

Christen took a deep breath.

"I wanted to prove my love for Julie," she finally said.

"Christen!" Julie hissed. "Why would you tell them?!"

"Because if I really am going to die, I want everyone to know who I actually am," Christen stared at he doctors.

"Me and Julie have been dating for almost a year now. We've known each other for years, probably since eighth grade. When she asked me out, I was reluctant to say yes because I didn't want people to know I was bi, but I told her yes because I've known her forever and I love her."

She was babbling now, Christen knew it, but she had to get this off her chest.

"We dated in secret until our teammates found out, then our coach, and now you all. I love JJ so much and I don't want to live a moment without her. She's my light and my best friend."

Christen finished with all eyes on her.

"Ch-Chris," Julie choked back tears.

"Julie, I don't want you to hurt," Christen told her. "I love you too much to let you hurt. I will get through this. We will be together. I love you."

Tears running down her cheeks, Julie embraced Christen.

"I love you, too," Julie whispered.

The doctors and nurses quietly filed out, giving the two women some privacy.

"Thank you, Christen," Julie sighed. "And I'm sorry I hurt myself."

"It's okay," Christen shrugged. "I would be been in the same place if you were hurt."

Julie's eyes sparkled.

"I promise I won't hurt myself again," she murmured, resting her head on  Christen's shoulder. "I love you too much."

Julie pressed her lips against Christen's, savoring the contact, not ever wanting it to end. She ran her hands over Christen's body, making the forward moan at her touch.

"We're surrounded by cameras," Christen reminded her.

"So when has that ever stopped us?" Julie asked, grinning.

Christen just laughed.

"Come here, you little tease..."

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