TLOJK [Chapter 6]

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"I know who I am, I truly have a chance"

Emily grabbed my hand as we entered the hospital.

We decided to let Harry have some rest since he really needed it.

"Don't freak out, doll face. Everything is going to be okay." Emily whispered as she squeezed my hand tighter.

We headed to the front desk and a poster caught my eyes.

Help Wanted. Part-time medical assistant needed. More information at front desk.

It also said a few more small words under, but I forgot my glasses so I just dismissed them.

As soon as Emily finished registered us, I was quick to ask about the part-time job.

Emily looked over at me with raised eyebrows. She seemed a bit shocked that I was asking for the job.

As they finished handing me the forms to sign up, I quickly ran up to Emily and walked at her pace up the stairs.

"Medical assistant, huh?" She said with a soft chuckle.

I lightly pushed her shoulder. "Hey! I should be able to have two jobs without SOMEONE laughing at me." I told her emphasizing the 'someone'. I playfully rolled my eyes at her and continued to walk up the stairs.

We searched around for awhile before finally finding my bestfriend's room.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"Everything is going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay." I heard Em tell me reassuringly.

When we entered the room, Cam was laying on his side. The opposite side of us.

I was a bit scared to see Cam. Lord knows how scared I was of losing him.

I just feel like I'll breakdown in front of everyone.

I decided against my thoughts and went by Cameron's side.

Em and I sat next to him and both grabbed his hand.

I heard Em silently cry as I started speaking.

"Hey, Cammy. How are you?"


"Well, I'm okay. Would be better with you here."


"Oh yeah, I'll probably be working as a medical assistant here. Good, right?" I said softly smiling.


It was Em's turn to talk.

"Hello, Cameron." She said in a soft whisper.

"I miss you." Her voice cracked.

"Alot." She said shedding a tear.

I let go of Cam's hand and hugged Em so tight that there was no space between us.

"What-What if Cammy never..."

"....never wakes up."

She cried even harder, making me regret ever asking her that.

"Jen, do not ever think like that, please." She whispered as she tightened the hug.

"I love you so much, Emily Summer Joseph." I told her.

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