Chapter 2

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        Viperess's P.O.V

        I woke with a  start. I had a nightmare of a vampire killing the whole pack but another vampire came and destroyed it. I have never seen those vampires before. Today is the day we are going to go looking or should I say hunting for vampires. More specifically Jack. When I walked down the stairs cautiously might I add I checked before I walked into the living room. When I walked in none of the boys were awake (they stayed over for the night) I decided I should wake them up. I went in the kitchen to get two pans. When I walked into the living room I paused and looked around then I banged the pans together as hard as I could.  The boys all woke with a start and glared at me. And I am dressed in top pic.

"What was that for?" Blake asked angrily

"Today we have to hunt for vampires remember" I say

        All the boys start grumbling but got up anyways. They went to get dressed and I started watching T.V. The show CSI Crime Scene Investigation was on. I will tell you now I love CSI. If you don't know what CSI is it is a show where there are investigators that go to crime scenes to find out who the murderer is. As I was watching it I was trying to figure out who the murderer was.

"It was one of the children" I screamed at the t.v

        It was the mother the little girl said. I started fake crying because I got it wrong. Then the boys walked in and asked what was wrong. But that was when the CSI Catherine Willows was talking to the girls and one of the little girls said that it was the other little girl that committed the murder.

"YES" I screamed and started to do a happy dance.

        All the while the boys were staring at me like they had seen a ghost. I stared right back until they looked away. Then I started to walk out the door. Once I got to the woods I transformed into my wolf. Instantly I smelled vampire. I ran to where the smell was coming from. Once I got to where the smell was over powering I checked to see where the vampire was. What I saw was defiantly not what I was expecting. A burned vampire. We never burned a vampire last night. And a human could never do this. I ran back to the rest of the pack and had them follow me they were just as confused as I was. I smelled another vampire and ran to find it to burn it. I enjoy watching these monsters die again they deserve it. You may think I am over reacting but I am not they killed my mother. They also kill other humans and us wolves are born to kill them but some vampires bite humans just so that there are more vampires that we have to take care of so they can drink more human blood and we can do nothing about it. Once we found where the vampires were hiding we attacked. It was not a long match but we still had to burn them. Xavier turned back in to his human form and started to burn them. I sat and watched as the vampires burned. It was joyful knowing we just saved a lot of peoples lives. That is the main reason I like being a wolf that takes care of vampires just to save peoples lives. No human knows about us wolves. It's not like we can't tell anyone but we just don't. You may be wondering why I don't go to school that is because I have already learned all I need to know. Plus I love to go vampire hunting. 

"Lets split up and look for more go whichever way you want" My dad said

        I split off from the pack and went my own way. I caught the scent of vampire while I was running. Really this close to those other vampires. The scent leads right back to where we found that burnt vampire. When I got there to see why there was a vampire scent there I saw another vampire hunched over his friends burned body. I leaped to kill him but was stopped short when he just stood up. The he said the most unexpected thing.

"Please kill me I can not live knowing my best friend is dead and I did nothing to help him" The vampire pleaded.

        It was my job to kill them anyway. So I turned back in to my human form and burned it. Now I did not necessarily feel bad but I know what it is like to loose someone that was so close to you. I did not sit there and watch the vampire burn I turned and I ran to find more vampires. I found one standing in a field. Not doing anything this is one of those moments where you wonder to yourself how stupid can vampires be. I jumped and attacked it once I made sure it was down I burned it. You may now be wondering if our transformation hurts the first time. The answer is no. We don't transform if we are mad we just fight like we are all siblings. We don't befriend humans we protect them. We also don't befriend them because if we can not kill a vampire quick enough it could go and kill our friend. This was one of the vampires I wanted to watch burn. See I never found the vampire that killed my mother. I have yet to find out if I have killed the vampire that killed my mother but I have killed as many of them as I can but we find a lot of vampires but most of the time we split up to kill the most vampires we can. It is fun to kill vampires but when they beg you to kill them it can be sad because when they beg to die it is most likely to be because they have lost someone close to them. It is about one o'clock time to go home and get some food little did I know I was being watched.

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