Chapter 6

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Viperess’s P.O.V

So. Well this is awkward. I just walked in to a door. But it was not my fault. The door just kind of... appeared there. No I am not lying. I swear it was not there a minute ago. Like I went to walk and it was just there. I swear these walls and doors are out to get me. But seriously I could have sworn that door was not there. Now I am walking like nothing just happened. I was in my human form walking through the woods. I saw a human sitting in the woods reading his book. 

You see since I am not fully human I do not do a lot of human things. I was studying the human and watching what he was doing. I think he felt that I was there because he looked up from his book.

“Whose there” He stated bravely.

I walked out of the woods and stood about 6 or 7 feet away from him. I just stood there looking at him.

“Who are you?” He asked me.

“I am Viperess” I responded.

“Im River” He River said quietly. 

I just looked at him for a minute and he looked right back. I don’t see why I could not become friends with this human. I mean I could use a friend that was not a wolf. You may be wondering how I know he is not a wolf. He has the scent of nature but it was not overpowering. Yes we can smell scents even if we are not in our wolf forms. 

“Well this is awkward” I said.

Then we both started to laugh. Then I started thinking that is the second time I have said that today. But the first time was the door’s fault. That was when River started laughing even harder. I looked at him then realization hit me.

“I said that out loud didn’t I” I claimed

“Yup”River said still laughing.

I spent some time with River and that got me thinking of my friend Zoe. But I will talk more about Zoe later. Right now I am having so much fun with River. Not that kind of fun. Get your mind out of the gutter. Yeah I have a mind like that. 

River looked at at the sun and looked really scared. I thought he knew about vampires but this was a different look. I looked at him trying to find out what was wrong.

“I-I h-have t-to g-go” River stuttered.

He than ran away. Well that was not suspicious at all. So I got up and started to run after him. He ran to this medium sized house. I felt like such a stalker because I looked in the window to see inside. I saw the most heart breaking thing ever inside. River was on the floor with who I am guessing his dad standing over him. His dad was holding what looked like a belt. And it looked like he was going to hit River.

I kicked open the door. The ‘dad’ looked at me and started towards me. I stood my ground and looked at River.

“Call the police!” I shouted.

River ran to get the phone. The dad man was going to go after him when he thought twice and came after me. I looked at him and when he was close enough I kicked him in the stomach. Then elbowed him in the face. Then when he got back up I kicked him where the sun don’t shine.

Then there were police sirens. The police ran in and saw the man laying on the ground.

“Is this the man that was abusing you?” one of the police officers asked.

“He abused me” River said on the verge of tears.

“Well son do you know where your mom is?” the same officer asked.

“She’s dead”River said starting to cry.

“That means you will have to go to the orphanage” The officer explained with sympathy.

“NO” I screamed.

River the police and the man all stared at me.

“I mean he can stay with me and my family” I explained embarrassed. 

“Ok he can stay with you” The officer decided.

Then the officer left and River came over to me.

“Thank you for letting me stay” he said. “Do you think your family will let me stay?”

“Yes but even if they don’t you are staying no matter what” I said nonchalantly. 

I started walking in the direction of my house. River started to follow me. We were walking through the woods when we tripped. Like both of us tripped. It was pretty funny. We both got up laughing. We continued on out important journey. Well it is not that important. We were both still laughing as we all they way home. 

We got to my house and just stood there. I knew the boys would come out soon to see where I had gone. I was right the boys came out to see why I came back so late.

“Why are you back so late and who is this?” Asher asked. 

“I am back late because I was helping him and he is River” I said

“Why is he here?” Xavier questioned.

“He is now an orphan and he is my best friend so I offered for him to stay with us and he was worrying that you guys would not let him stay and I said he could stay here so yeah” I explained.

The boys looked over him and smiled. That was when I knew he was going to stay with us. I looked at River and smiled. He smiled back. I just noticed that he was way more alive than most people that have been abused. But River is cool. I see him as one of my many brothers and by the way he was acting I am pretty sure he thought of me as a sister. Then a thought stuck me.

“River do you have any siblings or what?” I asked.

“No I do not have any siblings.” River responded.

“Well that’s a relief” I said.

We all started to laugh when we all stopped and I said.

“Wait what just happened?”

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