{author's note}

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If you're reading this then that means I finally got up the courage to publish my first story (Yay me!).

I thought you should know a little bit about me before we start creating the bond between reader and writer, so I'll list the five most note able things about me.

1. Newtmas is endgame, diehard, OTP for life 💕
2. I've wrote a lot in the past, but never published it like this
3. I'm pretty young so please forgive me if I have grammar mistakes or anything else like that
4. My name's Miria (Pronounced Mariah)
5. Last but not least I love sports, and anything involving being active

So now that you know a bit about me you can start reading my fan fic (which I hope you enjoy). Please feel free to give me constructive criticism, I promise I won't take it the wrong way!


When Everything Seems Wrong ♡ NewtmasWhere stories live. Discover now