Chapter 16 - My

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     I hadn't been able to take it, I needed to get away, so I'd jumped on Sapphire and raced out deeper into the fields. The sun was setting when I finally stopped on a hill somewhere far out. I was so upset about Anne's death and yet I was mad at myself for feeling somewhat relieved. I hadn't known what would happen to my position as a Soul Rider when Anne came back and part of me was relieved that I knew they still needed me. Yet I hated myself for even thinking of that. Sapphire laid down and put his head on my lap. I stroked my horse's head and felt a little better. He always knew what to do. I watched as the sun set and the stars slowly started to come out. I ended up crying into Sapphire's mane, unable to hold it back any longer. Mostly out of sadness over Anne's death but also out of anger and fear. I had similar powers to Anne when if I was next? I heard hoofbeats behind me and turned to see Concorde come up the hill. He had disappeared after the battle and no one had known where he'd gone. He looked horrible, he had cuts and bruises all over him since he'd left before Lisa could even heal him and was breathing heavily as if he'd run for miles. I convinced him to come over here and he laid down next to me. I knew this must be the hardest on him, Anne had been his partner in everything. As the sun disappeared he finally spoke. "I don't know what to do anymore" he whispered quietly. "Me neither" I replied "but I know we need to keep going" "Yeah I guess so, we can't just give up" he said still upset. I didn't expect him to feel any better. I laid down and I felt Sapphire move so his head was on my chest. I stroked his neck with my hand for what seemed like ever until I heard Concorde fall asleep next to us. I just laid there on the ground until I fell into a restless sleep.

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