He watches your game- Leo

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Tonight you had a big volleyball game tonight to determine whether or not you were going to playoffs or not. Leo, of course, wanted to come.

"C'mon (y/n)!!!" He whined. He had colored his entire face (y/f/c) which was your team's color.

"Absolutely not! You will not go out with your face looking like that!" You proclaimed, sliding your knee guards on.

"Urgh fine I'll go wash it off." He sighs, walking to the bathroom. You lace up your sneakers.

"Leo! I've gotta get there early but I'll see ya there!" You call, grabbing your bag and heading out.

At practice you make a few plays. Soon the game is starting and Leo is there with the rest of the boys. You smile at them and get into position.

The other team serves it over and you set it up for your team. You guys are doing well until a guy from the other team spikes it right into your face.

"Ow!" You cry out. You hear Leo in the stands.

"FOUL! CALL A FOUL!" He screams.

"It's okay. I'm fine." You assure the ref who starts the game again. The ball is spiked towards you again, but this time you manage to bump it back over, much to the dismay of the other team.

"WOOHOO (y/n)!" The boys call. You serve it over and make a point. A few more points and your team is ahead. Your friend Dominic ends up getting ten points in a row with his serves.

"YEAH DOM!" You run up to him and give him a hug when the game is over. You guys give your cheer and then you run up to Leo who dips you down and kisses you hard.

"Wooo yeah bro!!" Raph shouts and Mikey catcalls.

"I think you get a little heated on the bleachers." You tell him and he smiles.

"I like watching volleyball, especially when you play." He laughs.

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