Request #2

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I was at the library pretty much all day today, I was checking out books and reading and whatnot, but now it's late and I have to go home before my parents freak out, they don't like me walking home alone at night with all the Foot Clan activity happening. 

I swung my bag over my shoulder and started walking the path to the subway. I had my headphones in, so I couldn't hear much of what was going on, but the New York streets were eerily quiet. I kept to myself, and focused my gaze ahead of me. I only had about a half a mile to go to get to the subway, but I had to walk through an alleyway, that was almost completely pitch black to get through. 

I slowed my breathing and told myself I was being silly from stressing about it so much. I walked through and suddenly a figure appeared from the shadows. 

"Hey... you need help getting home?" He asked in a gravelly voice.

"No thanks, I'm fine." I said quickly, and looked down. 

"C'mon, let me take you home." He said again, this time grabbing my arm. 

"Please let go." I begged, and then smirked. "Or maybe this is your only way of picking up women." 

"Oh, you're gonna get it now." He threatened, raising his arm. Before I even had time to flinch another huuuuge shadow dropped from the roof tops. 

"She told you to leave her alone." A scratchy voice said, deep and gravelly. 

"You are not involved here." The Foot Clan member said, whipping his head around towards the voice.

"I mean.... his involvement is very much welcome." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"C'mon man, it's time for you to leave." The voice said, and the Gang member pulled out a small switchblade. 

"Oh yeah? Let's re-discuss this." He threatened. I turned to run before things got ugly, but another pair of arms grabbed me, holding my arms behind my back. 

"Let go of me creep!" I thrashed around, and kicked but the more I struggled, the harder he gripped. 

Without a sound, the big creature stepped out of the shadows, he was over six feet tall, with a red mask tied around his electric green eyes, he carried to sais in either of his.... hands? I didn't know what to call them, because he had  three green and scaly fingers, attached to his muscular, scaly arms which were attached to a shell, on his back, like a turtle. 

I can't say I remember much of the next minute, beside me screaming and thrashing, while the turtle was taking on the other gang member. I finally got a solid kick to the guy's knee and he released me, allowing me to swivel around and kick him where it mattered. He doubled over with a groan, and gave me an opportunity to swing my bag, which was full of hard cover books at his chin, which snapped backwards and sent him crashing to the ground. 

"Hey, you're pretty alright." The turtle said. 

"You're not too bad yourself." I grunted, picking up my bag. 

"Did they hurt you?" He asked, looking concerned. 

"Nope." I snapped, and tried walking off, until his hand gripped my  bicep. 

"Hey." He spun me around and I shook his hand off of me. 

"Oi! Don't touch me again." I shoved him,  but he didn't budge. 

"You could say Thanks for saving my life back there." He huffed, crossing his arms. 

"You're welcome for my saving your life back there." I grinned and tried turning around again. I made it a couple steps this time before he called out again. 

"Hey... what's your name?" He yelled 

"Shay." I smiled to myself as he caught up with me. 

"Ya know, I've heard there's been some Foot Clan activity going on around here." He said with a smile. 

"Really? You don't say." I played along, smiling too. 

"Maybe I'd feel safer if you walked me to the subway." He said and  I laughed. 

"I'd like that ." I giggled, looking up at him, and seeing him blush. 

"Hey, I never got your name." I realize and he blushed even harder. 

"It's Raphael, but my brothers call me Raph." He rubbed the back of his neck. 

"Well, you've got some smart brothers, Raph is infinitely more easy to say, sounds better too." I told him and he grinned. 

"That's a pretty clever thing for you to say." He chuckled. 

"That's a pretty clever thing for you to understand." I remarked, he paused for a minute, looking confused, and then laughed. 

"So it is. Well... here's the subway." He stopped, sounding, and looking a bit disappointed. 

"I guess so..... um.... is there a way I can reach you Raph?" I asked, clasping my hands together in front of me.

"It just so happens, there is." He pulled out a small cellphone looking object. 

"It's a t-phone, type in Raph if you're ever in trouble.... or.... if you just want to talk." He winked. 

"Thanks." I laughed, turning around I went to put it in my backpack. I heard a clatter and turned around, when I turned back, Raph was gone. 

"At least, I've got a protector from the Foot Clan." I said to myself before heading on the subway. 

Sorry this took me so long to update I was at work all day but I hope you like it, and that it was worth the wait!

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