Human!Donnie- part 1

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"Hmmm." You hum to yourself, strolling through the library shelves. Donnie wanted you to grab him a couple books on a scientific theory he was working on to make some sort of machine.

"Hello Dearest." A familiar voice says. Your heart starts racing. He's not supposed to be here! What if somebody sees him.

"Donnie!" You hiss through your teeth. Spinning around you come face to face with a human boy with shortish gingery hair, bright green eyes and a gapped tooth smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry." You mutter, looking down. "I thought you were somebody else."

"But it is me!" The kid shouts. A few people turn to shush him, he blushes but lowers his voice.

"It's Donnie!" He whispers happily.

"Erm." You aren't believing it.

"Remember the machine I told you I was building?" He asks excitedly. "It worked!" He smiles broadly.

"You.... You made a machine so you could be a human?" You ask, flabberghasted.

"Kinda... I built it to see what kind of mutation was running through our veins and well, all of us got a little dose of it. The rest of the boys are humanoids too!"

"I...." You scramble for words.

"C'mon. Let's talk outside." He says, pulling you along. You like the way your hand fits in his now.

"Okay, what happened?!" You ask, the hot august air presses down on you, making you grumpy and short tempered.

"It's hard to explain but... I don't know (y/n). I don't know if these effects are temporary or permanent either." He looks down.

"Oh." You say quietly.

"Yeah." Donnie drones.

"Well, now that you're human, what do you want to do?" You ask, he looks up at you with a surprised glance.

"You don't wanna break up with me?" He asks, confused.

"Donnie, why on earth would I break up with you for being human?" You ask, appaled.

"I don't know, I thought maybe because I was different now you wouldn't like me. Or maye it's because I'm not special now, I'm just a human." He shrugs and you sigh, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"You're always special to me, turtle or not. Donnie I never want to hear you say that you aren't. Got it?" You say, stepping back, a pleased smile is stuck on his face.

"Of course darling." He says, leaning down he wraps his hand around the back of your neck. You purr, in approval.

"Now, c'mon, I want to show you around." You say when he pulls away. Taking him by the hand you lace your fingers through his, pulling him around your city.

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