My an life

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Hello my name is an John. I'm an English bulldog. Sometimes when I get an sad I drink an coffee with my owner. I don't know her an name so I just call her Paesh. She is very an annoying. I just stay with an her so I can gat an chicken coins and move back to an swamp. An swamp is where I am an from. Swamp. I hate everyone. When I was an baby I killed my an brother because he was very an annoying. When I get my an nails clipped I need to be wrapped up like an burrito for everyone's an safety because I am an dangerous killer. One time Paesh locked me in the an closet on accident and I had an swamp flashback of no chicken and I pooped everywhere. This tells me that Paesh is not to be an trusted! Do not an trust Paesh! That's all for now an bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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