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That was the only thing on my mind..

I started running, without looking back. My shoes were throbbing my feet so I just threw them off while I was running.

Do not ask me how, because I don't even know.

"Let me free, I will help you run faster!" Metrodora said.

"How I don't know how! How can I let you free?!" I screamed out not knowing what in the world I should do.

"Imagine a wolf, with four paws. His snout, eyes and ears. His tale and his fur. That will trigger it, but be careful you have never shifted fully. So it will hurt you."

And that's what I did, I imagined a big wolf with four strong paws, a small snout his big eyes and ears. A fluffy tale and a beautiful fur.

And then it all happened...

To say that it doesn't hurt would make me the biggest liar in the world.

I felt each and every one of my bones crack into a million pieces. My teeth started hurting and my eyes started burning. I was lying on the floor and my dress was starting to rip.

"You're doing amazing, keep calm you're almost fully shifted." Metrodora said trying to calm me down. I felt it, how she wanted to help me.

My bones stopped cracking and crushing and I opened my eyes just to find four white furred paws placed where my hands and feet used to be.
I stood up and I looked at myself or well better said was completely in utter shock.

"Metrodora I did it, look at me!"

"We look beautiful!"

"Now run before Kimball find..."

Oh no..

Metrodora got cut off because of a loud growl making a shiver run down my spine, if that can be possible for a wolf.

I felt scared shitless, and I didn't know what to do.

This time I'm totally fucked..

No doubt..

I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm d-e-a-d dead...

"Come here mate.." Kimball growled in my head "Or I will take you with force. You are mine! And you will never run away from me again!" He barked at me causing me to bow my head and twirl up in a small ball.

I wasn't looking at him, au contraire I was facing the woods while he was facing my back.

But I could feel something powerful from his voice and wolf, he was scaring the shit out of me.

"Come here, now!" He barked again causing me to stand up slowly and turn around to face him. I got closer step by step and felt like he was going to kill me.

"P-please don't h-hurt me.." I said almost inaudible.

"Look at me.." He said through our mind link.

I lifted my head up only to find him standing millimeters from my snout. His wolf must be twice bigger then mine. And his eyes, they're not blue anymore, they're this beautiful goldish white.

How is his wolf so big?

Why did his eye color change?

Why is he standing so close to me?

"I sincerely apologize for my behavior, Kimball is hard to control sometimes. But he doesn't mean to hurt you, he is just worried that you will get hurt. You are our mate and we do not want to lose you." Mr. no name said while rubbing his fur against mine.

"I believe you, but this is all too much for me to handle. I mean look at me?! I am a freaking wolf! I have paws and a snout and a tale. How am I going to explain this to my parents?!"

"First of all, your wolf is beautiful. Your paws are white but your fur is hazel. Your eyes are the brightest green I have ever seen in my entire life and you carry a symbol on your forehead. It's extraordinary if I might add."

"Thank you, but I have no chance against you. Your fur is completely black and it looks like its blue in the moonlight. Your eyes are freaking gold, how in the word can they be that? And don't get me started about your size, I mean you're huge." I said eyeing him in every way possible.

"Hehe, you have no idea how big I am." He answered and I think he's smirking.

"Oh my god, my virgin ears shouldn't have heard that!"

"Shift back and we'll head towards my pack house. Its not that far from here with the car." He said and shifted behind a tree in a second back to his old sexy godlike self.

"How do I do that?" I asked.

He came closer to me and I could still feel that he's more powerful then me..

Damn he's so intimidating...

He petted me and stroked my fur making Metrodora growl in pleasure.

"Imagine your old self, your eyes, hands, arms and legs. That will help you shift back." He said stepping back.

And so I did what he told me to do.

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