Chapter 2

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--Sam's POV--

"Sam, table 6 is empty." I finished putting spare cash into the cash register and looked up to find my co-worker and best friend, Josiah. "The man was just there a second ago." I said, peering over his broad shoulders to see that table 6, where the man I chatted with was sitting, is empty. Just like Josiah said. Josiah turned around to look at the table. "Why are we staring at the table?" He asked, leaning close to my ear and whispering. I just chuckled and walked away.


I fluttered my eyelids open, then felt an intense pain in my lower leg. "What the-" I looked down to find my 4 year old brother, Josh, sitting on my leg and smiling at me. "Wake up, sissy." Josh said, climbing off of my leg and off of the bed. "Nicky says you're late for work." He informed me, then ran out of the room.

I shot up from the bed then threw on my uniform and rushed down the stairs.

I've never been late for work, so this was new to me.  

"Thanks, Nick." I quickly hugged my 27 year old brother and swung the front door open. I ran out, closing the door behind me, and into my brothers blue car that he said I can take to work whenever I needed to.

After about 7 minutes of driving, many people passed, and many traffic lights ignored, I made it to work.

"Let me get that for you." I heard a familiar man's voice say behind me just as I was about to open the door. He reached his arm out, grabbing the handle of the door and opening it. "Thank you." I stepped inside and spun around to see the man I was chatting with the day earlier. He just lifted his hood and nodded his head.

Strange. Its almost June and he's wearing a coat.

The man, who I still didn't know the name of, went and sat down at a table as I walked behind the main cash register and signed in.

"You're late today.." Josiah came up behind me and jabbed my sides lightly, making me jump a little. "Josiah! Don't do that!" I turned around and smacked his arms. "Sorry, couldn't resist. Anyways, table 4 needs cleaning." He said before handing me my little apron and walking away.

I tied on my apron, grabbed a cloth, and walked over to table 4. Just as I probably should've suspected. The same man from yesterday as well as a few minutes ago was sitting at table 4. He was in the same slouched position, twiddling his thumbs.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you wearing a winters coat in May?" I wiped the table clean and the man shot his head up. With a little nervous laugh, he replied; "Erm.. It was cold in my house this morning. That's all." I just nodded and stuck the cloth in my apron. "Oh, by the way, I never got your name." I looked around for my boss, checking if he was looking. Since he wasn't, I sat down in the booth across from him.

"Err.. I don't think that's a good idea." He jolted up completely, standing up and putting his hood even lower. "Why not?"

"Let's just say.. Um, how do I put this.. In a situation?" The man looked out the windows. He looked worried, scared even. "The name's Olly.. by the way." He smiled slightly, before rushing out of the door and down the street.

Olly. That name sounded familiar. But I was never really good with matching names to faces. Could it be Olly Murs, maybe? No.. It can't be.

"That was weird." I said to myself as I went back behind the counter and sat on an empty stool. "What was weird?" Josiah asked, just finishing somebody's order and coming around the counter. "I.. I don't even know. There was this guy.. And as soon as I sat down at his booth, he darted out of the door without a proper explanation." I said, fiddling with the loose thread on the apron. "You probably scared him off." Josiah chuckled, putting left over money in the cash register. "Rude." I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at him. "You know I'm only kidding, Sammy. That is weird."


Saturday, one of my only days off. Saturdays are always peaceful in my house. Josh is being babysat by one of Nick's friends, and Nick sleeps in late. So I try to wake up early and enjoy the quiet before its all gone.

When I woke up, I quickly showered and headed out the door so I could go on a morning walk.

Morning walks were always my favorite. Everything is so calm in the park. There's no kids. No groups of obnoxious teenagers playing football. Just quiet. All of the elderly couples come out in the morning, as well as the birds, and some dogs with their owners. I get my entertainment from watching the birds. Sometimes the land next to me and just sit there for awhile, until I move, then they fly away. Its so relaxing, watching the world go by you in a soothing way.

I kept walking until I was sat at my favorite wooden bench. Whenever I come to the park, I always sit here. It's even got my name carved in the wood. I did that when I was seven. I'm 26 now, so it's amazing that this bench is still standing.

As I was sitting, I saw someone walk by slowly. He was wearing a Christmas jumper along with a trilby and sunglasses. Bad outfit choice, in my opinion. He was kicking small rocks as he passed them, until he kicked them all and they were all out of sight.

I just sat there, watching him. He seemed so lonely, kicking rocks with a heavy set of clothes. Even the way he walks shows it. He shuffles his feet so you could hear the pebbles under his shoe crunch, looking down at the ground. I couldn't see his face properly, but if I could, I would probably see a frown.

Once he realized all the rocks were kicked, he sighed and looked up. He smiled a small smile as he noticed me staring. He stuck his foot out in my direction and hesitated, like he was thinking about walking over towards me. Eventually, he just kept walking like he never even saw me.

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