3. Bipolar Much?

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Picture of Brianna's outfit during the party--------->


What the hell had possessed me? I had no reason to kiss him back. But I being a total butthead couldn't resist him. Anyway its not even like I gave him some wrong message because I already kicked him in the right place!

I rushed back to my room and darted inside the bathroom. I was shocked after I looked at my appearance in the mirror. My hair was all messy and cheeks red and sweaty. Okay so maybe I got tingles running down my body and emotions doing zumba inside when he kissed me, but that doesn't mean that my cheeks decide to dress up like a tomato!

I washed the little makeup I had and thought of going for a swim. Maybe only the blue, tranquil water can calm down my overthinking mind.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I was pleasantly surprised to see that there was no one at all in the outdoor pool. Everyone probably would be partying inside near the indoor one.

I might be a fool to go in the outdoor pool in the cool weather, but I really don't want to face any more human population. As soon as the cold water splashed against my body, I got goosebumps all over. I had a strong urge to run the hell away from the cold water and into the mercy of my warm blanket but I had taken swimming lessons as a child and knew that swimming for a while automatically helps your body adjust to the water.

While I was swimming, I heard a familiar, deep voice behind me.

" Are you following me teddy? I know I am irresistable and all but jeez, you don't have to make it so obvious.", Zach said with a wink.

Oh how I wish I pluck that eye out! I swear this guy will definitely make me go to prison for doing a murder.

" Firstly, what the hell is teddy? Do I look like a soft toy to you? Secondly, why the hell will I follow you? If your slow mind hasn't processed it yet, I am the one who came here first.", I said and rolled my eyes.

" But who doesn't want a piece of this? ", he said pointing towards his sexy self. Oh scratch that, scumbag-y self.

" Whatever helps you sleep at night ", I said and again rolled my eyes. I'll probably become squint because of this guy before its even morning.

" If you are so worried about my sleep, you yourself can join me. What say teddy? ", he evilly smirked.

Oh his guts!

" WHAT?! I say a big fat NO! ", I shouted at him.

" Oh my teddy's getting angry at me? ", he said and continued to tease me as he removed his shirt and pants.

" Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What the hell do you think you are doing? ", I widened my eyes in horror. " Don't tell me you were serious about that sleeping thing. ", I added.

He started to laugh his ass off. Actually his laugh was like a child. Atleast he wasn't smirking.

" I am here to swim teddy. And as you can see I have my swimming trunks on. But I understand you might be busy looking at other things. ", he said wiggling his eyebrows.

I just groaned in frustration. So much for a stupid swim!

" Just leave me alone will you? ", I retorted and started playing in the water swaying my hands through it.

He just looked at me with...awe? I am definitely going crazy. He might not even know what the meaning of awe is. Suddenly his expression turned blank.

" Yeah anyway I am angry at you. I will get my payback someday from you, just not now. It is not in my 'ethics' to do something to a girl in a bikini other than...", he said and dived in the water.

He kind of intimidated me when he began his sentence, but the end surely made me want to gag. His muscles and chiselled body were on show with water dripping down. If his messy hair were sexy, the wet hair looked total drool worthy.

Miss. Brianna, now would be the perfect time to stop checking him out. Get a grip on your hormones girl!

After like half an hour of silence, stolen glances and swimming, I was tired and decided to rest in the corner of the pool. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the breeze and the splashing of water.

I suddenly felt someone hover over me. I quickly opened my eyes to find Zach looking intensely at me, just a few centimeters away. He kept leaning ahead and as usual my brain decided to take a dip in the ocean.

I could feel his warm, minty breath fanning my face sending shivers down my spine. And suddenly he started going away.

With a towel!

How the hell did I not notice the pile of towels behind me? I just looked at his retreating back and mentally smacked my ass for getting affected.

Before going the beast threw a towel in my direction.

" You might be wet ", he said with his stupid smirk on his face and went away laughing.

I took a while processing his sexual innuendo, but when I did, my cheeks flamed up in embarassment and anger.

- - - - - - - - -

I re-checked whether I had packed everything. Yes you guessed it right, the cruise trip was almost over. I was neither happy nor sad as I hadn't done anything great here but nonetheless it was a nice break.

I decided to take a last walk around the ship. I went to the open area with the railings facing the ocean. The situation was so titanic-y. Without any boy ofcourse.

Or so I thought!

But there he was, with all his arrogant self, leaning against the railing, facing towards the ocean. He was quite far from me so he didn't notice me. Thats a first!

I couldn't help but notice that he didn't look like his happy self. He had a blank face but his eyes told another story. They were sad. What can happen in 8 hours? Last night he was all cheerful and cocky. Well it is not my business if he gets bipolar attacks.

I just rushed away from there before he caught me staring at him.

In no time I and Ethan were already heading back home.

Back to my shitty life!


Hey guys! Hope you like the chapter! :)


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