Ch-5 A Silhouette Is Enough To Make Me Pale

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Hey peeps!
*drum roll* I am alive!! Finally there is another update for you guys...

Ch:5 A Silhouette Is Enough To Make Me Pale

"My anaconda don't, my anaconda don't, my anaco-".

"Yes I am getting up".

And for all those who think that maybe it is the alarm song of my cellphone, I am sorry to break it off to you, but it is Ethan-the-Mozart.

Note : The sarcasm used in the above sentence is harmful and hence done under expert guidance. Please don't try at home.

Trust me when I say it, even a dying crow with a very bad sore throat would become shy with embarassment when he hears Ethan sing. I crawled out of the bed like a snail to do the morning necessities. After a nice long hot shower I got out of the burning bathroom and started skimming through the clothes in my wardrobe.

I found a very cute crop top and high waisted shorts to pair up together but then I remembered that it would just grab more attention from people. Especially the hormone driven boys.

And I am not quite in the mood to stand in the spotlight, thank you very much.

So I convinced the little wild-Brianna to go in hibernation while I put on the plain-as-a-canvas Brianna facade. So I quickly dressed up in black skinny jeans, white tank top and an over-sized hoody which made it look like the clothes were wearing me and not the other way round. I did not bother to apply any makeup and just put some lip balm on.

I drove to school in 'Ethan's' car. He made me say it was his for 20 times. Literally.

We parted ways when we reached school and I hoped for another dramaless day.


After a whole day of trying to keep my eyes open without getting squint, I went to my locker to transfer some books and stuff in my bag before getting the hell out of school. Maddy had disappeared from the face of the earth and lets just say, I would have preferred being food-less instead of staying in school.

That definitely says something.

Anyway, as I was about to shut my locker a certain person thought of gracing me with their presence.

"What do you want Zach? I am late and the security guards might lock the gates.", I said hastily as I shut the locker and tried to pass by him. The keyword being tried.

"And I care because?", he asked as he grabbed my elbow and led me to, well, somewhere.

"Where the hell do you think are you dragging me? And if you think

I will readily come strutting behind you to some haunted alleyway of yours then you, my friend, no scratch that. Then you, my nobody, are horribly mistaken."

I continued to frustratedly get away from his grip which was not exactly hurting me, but was firm enough to not let me leave. I am quite ashamed to admit, but it was not him taking me to a potential dangerous place that was haunting me, but it was the way my skin felt all hot by his touch.

I just tried my best to ignore it and continued to get away from his grip. Looks like I have to do a lot of trying today.

As we were fast walking down the hallway, I noticed that his bag's zip was open and peeping through it was some diary.


I analysed the situation first and then slowly took the heavy diary out. He might have noticed the sudden change in his bag's weight as he turned around, unintentionally loosening his grip on my arm, to see the book in my hands.

"You! Give it back", he tried to take it from me but I ran away from there. I guess the poor ass is not used to people cutting him off or disobeying him as I saw him stand there confused for a second but quickly started sprinting in my direction.

I noticed that the guards were starting to close the school gates. I speeded up and kept running.

I ran with everything I had in me. I wonder if I would get an award for being this athletic. Like I can't even remember for how long I am running now. And I can't remember not having the diary in my hands. Oh snap! Where did the diary go?

Is Zach some kind of a supernatural creature who just ran that fast that he snatched the book away, cause last time I checked, I was running as if I was freaking possessed by Usain Bolt.

Well I would really like to think that Zach has snatched the book from me because the thought of being shot dead by the mighty bad boy for losing his precious diary isn't quite pleasant.

I also noticed that my neighbourhood didn't look so familiar anymore. Hell, who am I kidding, it doesn't look familiar at all. Maybe because it was already dark now.

Wait a minute, for how long was I exactly running? I can't feel my feet anymore.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. The eerily quiet place made the sound of the footsteps even more clearer and scarier. I saw a silhoutte of a man making his way towards me. He had something in his hand which, I don't even want to say it, shared a lot of resemblance with a knife.

The stalker started whistling some weird tune as he made his way towards me.

Oh so now am I going to be eve-teased?

My heart started hammering against my chest and palms grew sweaty even in the cold weather. I did not want to think of what would happen with me, I just wanted to get home as quick as possible. I started walking away from him but he quickened his pace and started running.

Is he serious? Even the queen bees in my school are not that desperate.

He had almost reached me when I decided that I have had enough. I swiftly turned back and screamt.

"You pathetic excuse of a man. What makes you such a desperate douche huh? It is you because of whom millions of girls are either not allowed to get out of their houses at night or are scared of roaming freely at night without a goddamn pepper spray and a swiss knife in their purses which they haven't even used before. Lakhs of women lose their dignity because of dicks like you and are scarred for a lifetime. Can't a girl roam alone at night without being scared of an asshole stalking her with a knife who can't even keep his bloody dick in his pants?", I said and was about to kick him with all my strength but then I noticed the look on his face.

He looked utterly confused and blank. I noticed that his face was visible because of the street lamp nearby and he looked around my age.

"Its my sister's birthday. I got a knife to cut the cake, not to cut you woman! And I was running because I am late for the party and all her friends are waiting there.", he said in a rush with his hands protecting his crotch area from my foot which was raised halfway in the air. Totally ninja style.

Holy shit! I am such a bad person.

"Umm... I am sorry?", I said guiltily and looked down.

"Its okay I guess. But you could've atleast seen who I was. I study in your school and infact I am Zac-", he was cutt off by me.

"We study in the same school? I never noticed you before", I said and studied him.

"Maybe because it is just your second day", he suggested.

I nodded sheepishly.

"The name's Brianna. Brianna Rogers", I said as I gave him a friendly smile and stretched my hand.

"The name's Valentino. Valentino Bosselli", he said sort of mocking me while shaking my hand.

We both started chucking at that.

He suggested to help me find my way back home after getting to know what situation I got myself into after running for god knows how long. He stiffened visibly after I told him about Zach, he might not have a good connection with him. Obviously, who would like a person like Zach?

He kept on talking about anything and everything. But I kept quiet the whole time, not revealing much of who I am. He dropped me off and walked to the nearby house from where I could listen the squealing young girls.

Some day it was!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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