4. New Start

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6 months later..

I was finally done with packing my clothes. Right now it sucks to be a girl. I mean I literally spent hours packing all my stuff. A different box for my dresses, a different for tops and bottoms, then another one for undergarments and other stuff like shoes and toiletries. I was exhausted and was sweating like I just climber the frigging Mount Everest!

"Honey, come downstairs. We will probably get late for our flight.", my dad said.

I hesitantly stepped out of my room with my bags and looked at my room. My room was once filled with posters of my favourite band, clothes littered around, books and what not. But the room which I was staring now, was completely lifeless. My eyes found the window and I was looking right into the room opposite to mine. I found myself reliving all those memories. I snapped out of it immediately. So for those who are wondering what's happening in my life is I'm moving out of this place and going to New Jersey, to start a new life. We all wanted a change and a new start to move on. It was like I was given a blank canvas to paint it in the way I desired and this time I will definitely rethink my choice of colours before painting it.

Lost in my own thoughts, I dropped one of the boxes. As I was about to check what had fallen out of the box and pick it up, Ethan beat me to it. But before I screamt at him and ask what was he doing he clicked a picture of mine with clothes littered all around me and ran off laughing. I pondered over the weird incident for a second and looked down to see that all my bras and panties had fallen everywhere. Just great!

" Ethan!! Delete the damn photo you good for nothing iguana!!!", I yelled and chased after him.


Taking in the surrounding of new jersey, I entered my new house. It was quite huge. As our family was well off, we could afford living in the posh section. As I thought about the house, I decided that as it was Friday today, I would at least start arranging my stuff so that I could finish it off by Saturday. I climbed upstairs and entered my room. Holy shit! Its so bloody spacious. There was a queen size bed in the centre of the room. There were huge windows with beautiful curtains draped over them. There was a study table at the opposite end of the bed and besides it was a dressing table. There was also a walk in closet. After gawking at my new room, I kept my bags down and started unpacking my stuff.

To say I was nervous, was such an understatement. It was already Monday, the most dreaded day of the week and I was joining my new school. And even before I knew it, I was standing in front of the bloody school. Don't get me wrong. I like school but just not being a new student. Fortunately I was done packing on Saturday and wandered around my new neighbourhood. I even met a girl who helped me find the school. She was kinda friendly too. She even told me about somebody named Zachary Williams. Hearing that name I couldn't help but to remember that guy on the cruise. Zach.. He was the one who had captured my mind so long!

As I walked into the school, I received quite curious glances and stares of people. I could swear I even heard some boys wolf whistle. Sickening tomatoes! I went to the office and collected my planner. I ventured around the hallways in search of my locker. As I reached my locker, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see a pretty girl standing. She had blonde hair with streaks of dirty blonde. Her complexion was fair and had these icy blue eyes. She was of average height. She had worn a simple white tank top and skinny jeans.

"Hi! I'm Maddison. Nice to meet you!" she chirped and continued," So your the new girl right?"

"Yeah.. My name is Brianna! Nice to meet you too!" I replied.

"Which class do you have first?" she asked.

I looked at my planner and replied, "English literature".

" Oh great! I have the same class. Let's go together. I'm sure we'll be best of friends!" she said. I had feeling she was saying the truth. She was not one of those blonde bimbos who were annoying and dumb. She was nice and friendly. I liked her.

After my literature lecture, I began searching for the cafeteria when I bumped into something or rather someone. As I looked up, I met the most mesmerizing hazel eyes I thought I would never see.

" Watch where your go- ", he stopped speaking as recognition hit him.

" You! Bitch!", he cursed.

I winced at his selection of words specially for me. "Y- yeah", I freaking stuttered! WOW.

"You know I thought I would never get my revenge back. But look what god almighty has brought here," he said after giving me a smirk. "I surely will get what I want and I want....." He came forward, invading my red- alert boundary, his breath fanning my face sending shivers down my spine. But I couldn't really figure whether they were good or bad shivers. They were definitely bad.. Right?

" Revenge", he uttered finally completing his sentence and leaving away with that infamous smirk stuck to his face like a dead fly.

Before I could even react to what had happened, I was turned around by wide- eyed Maddy.

"You really don't wanna mess with that Zach. I know he is totally an eye candy and probably a bloody greek god, but he is nothing but trouble", she warned. I nodded my head in response.

Oh maddy! You have no idea that I am already involved too badly. And why do I have a feeling that there is no way out of this thing?!!


So guys how was the chapter? I hope you like it!

What do you think Zach will do to get his revenge?? (And picture of Maddison above!☝ )

And the story will get better and better as the chapters pass!

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