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Carter's POV

Matts message cut through me like a blade. It hurt so much, I don't even know why I went to the party, I knew it would be bad news.

I waddled home, my mom was sat downstairs talking to Matt's dad, there was something going on there but I didn't really want to discuss it. I went upstairs and sat on my bed, the pain in my bum was absolutely insane. My mom came up shortly after I heard Matt's dad's phone ring.

'Are you ok?' She asked, sitting down on my bed beside me.

'No mom, no I'm not.' I said and I looked at her. She pulled me close, my head resting on her shoulder

'Whats wrong?' She asked

'Matt's broke up with me mom.' I said, I couldn't remember if my mom even knew about Matt and I, but I didn't really care. She pulled me closer and kissed the top of my head.

'That could be a good thing. His dad and I are getting closer. You and Matt might be brothers soon.' She said, she seemed so happy I didn't want to burst her bubble of happiness and tell her everything that had happened.

'Yeah mom, sounds amazing, Living with the boy who had broke up with me. Sounds great.' I said, the tears were still being held in which I was quite proud of.

'Well, I can call it off with his dad if you like? Me and you back together again.' She said

'No mom, you do what makes you happy. I'm getting older now, Matt's getting older, we wouldn't live with you for too long.' I said and she smiled down on me. I smiled back and told her to leave, which she did. I opened my laptop and went onto Spotify, I plugged in my speakers and let the music play. I must have dozed off to sleep because the next thing I remember, it was the morning.

Matt's POV

When I got home my dad called me into the kitchen to tell me that I needed to sit down. He started explaining all about how he and Carter's mom had been talking and they had now started dating. All the thoughts were rushing through my mind. How are me and Carter meant to live together if they moved in with each other?

'It's early days Matt, early days.' my dad said. I just rolled my eyes at him and wentupstairs to my room. I dialled the number that was once so special to me, and he answered almost immediately.

'Matt? OMG Matt I'm so sorry. It wasn't meant to happen, I didnt' want it to happen. It was forced matt it was like rape!' He was crying down the phone to me

'Carter stop giving me your life story I don't care. I'm more worried about the state that our parents are in, did you know they're together?' I asked and he went quiet on his end o the line.

'I know. I've come home a few tmes, heard them on the phone to each other, caught your dad over here. It's so awkward. If you and I were to become step siblings, think of how embarrassing that would be. Seeing each other every single day of our lives. Waking up and seeing each other for breakfast. Going home and seeing each other every day. With our parents knowing what has happened. Matt I honestly didn't want Cameron to touch me. I was basically crying and I hated myself. I was sreaming in pain the whole time. You must believe me matt. Please.'

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