Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"I feel like we have just walked into something, Santosh". The man in the doorway sends a bright smile over the room, his pearly white teeth are almost blinding me. He is devilishly attractive, with swept back black hair and chalky skin. A Vampire, I can smell him.

"I feel like that too, Tomas" the other Vampire - Santosh - replies. He is tall, and lean, with dark skin and Asian features. He looks like he is from the Nepal, possibly the Philippines; I can't deduct which.

"Your Shifter is pushing her luck" Lorenzo frowns, dark eyes glaring at me.

"Your Werewolf is about to get is ass kicked" I growl. Santosh and Tomas both share a smile, as they walk into the room.

"Children, children, please. All of you take a seat" Tomas grins; his eyes glistening in amusement. Tomas sits on one side of the long table, and Santosh sits on the other end. Lorenzo snarls, but sits down. I wait until he is sat down, before I sit down.

"My, you are beautiful" Tomas grins, eyes trained on me. I smile proudly; these are the words I'm used to hearing, that I like hearing. "So strong, and graceful. A true female feline. Beautiful".

"Thank you. I am glad someone appreciates me" I smile, pushing my red locks behind my shoulders. I give Lorenzo a sardonic smirk, before turning my attention back to Tomas and Santosh.

"Oh we do appreciate you, Camille. But that does not mean you are any better than your fellow potentials. You are all equal in these trails, and nothing about you separates you from the other potentials".

He words make me frown, and Lorenzo sends me a sarcastic smile back. I supress a growl, eyes narrowing in the Werewolf's direction. "All of you" Tomas continues, "are all equals in our eyes. You have all been given a chance to be part of Bell La Rouge, and I hope you all take it seriously".

"If you fail any of the upcoming tests" Santosh carries on, "then you will not become a member. The number of you that past these tests, determine the number of new members we take this year. If all six of you succeeds, then we'll have six new members. However, if one of you succeeds, then we'll only have one member. Simple".

"The first test begins tonight" Tomas smiles. He then glances at Santosh, and they share a smile. "There is only one rule for tonight".

Santosh grins, "resist every temptation we throw your way". And with that, both of them stand up. "No one may sleep tonight. We'll meet back in here, at exactly nine am". They offer a smirk, before leaving the room.

"I don't understand" Chloe squeaks. "What do we know is a temptation or not?"

"Everything that you'll enjoy, you can't do tonight" I tell her. She nods, but still looks confused. I don't know what will come tonight, but I know that it will not be easy. I like temptation, so I will have to go against everything.

A butler walks in, and food in set down on the table. The food smells amazing, and is colourful and exotic. Due to my Shifter genes, I eat and eat and eat but never gain weight - and with my high metabolism I need to be eating most times in the day.

My stomach calls out for the food, as people begin to full their plates. However, both Lorenzo and I - the two who should be eating the most - don't touch the food. This is a temptation, and we both know that.

Chloe is the first to realise we haven't started serving ourselves. "Oh" he says, putting her fork down before she takes a bite. The others glance at her, then glance at us, before understanding too. No one takes a bite. No one takes a sip of the expensive wine.

"This is going to be hard isn't it?" Chloe asks me.

I nod, "it's Bell La Rouge, baby, nothing is going to be easy". Getting up from my seat, I walk straight out the door. Chloe follows behind me, and I don't mind any. She is chatting about how excited she thinks this entire thing is, and how shocked she is about not realising the food being a temptation. I do not listen to a single word.

"Miss Noel?" a voice calls to me, as I head back to my room. I turn, and Chloe comes to stop next to me. I see Julie speed walking in my direction. I stop, and allow her to catch up.

"Julie, how can I help?" I ask - she is my mentor, I have to get on her good side.

"Sorry, Cami, but I was wondering if I could borrow you for a moment? There was one more piece of paperwork I forgot to get you to fill out" she explains.

"Of course, Julie. Please lead the way" I smile, and Chloe looks at me with puppy dogs eyes full of lost. "I'll catch up with you later, Chloe" I tell her, and she grins at me, before I follow Julie back to her office.

The lawyer is there again, and shows me the places I need to sign. As I sign my life away, Julie leans forward - hands on the desk. And then I realise exactly why I am in here. On her martial finger in the most beautiful diamond I have seen in a long time.

I know she wasn't wearing it earlier; I always take notice of jewellery and watches. I am a cat burglar, jewellery is my business and my passion. And diamond are my kryptonite. This is the second desire of the night.

They know what I can do, they know what I love to do. I steal, and I sell and I live for jewellery like the diamond ring around Julie's finger. I look at it for a moment - my sharp, cat, eyes assessing every part of it.

I can see the beautiful prisms shining off the sharp, smooth, edges of the glistening jewel. The light is catching it, projecting them directly into my line of few. The clarity is amazing, and the carat is large. I want to grab her hand, and steal the ring away.

But I don't. No, I take a deep breath, and move my eyes away. My heart is thumping and my mouth is dry. Stealing is like an addiction for me - there is nothing better than the thrill of the hunt. I love to hunt in my cat form, and I love to hunt in human form. Whether it be for a meal, or a jewel.

I sign the form, and hand it to the lawyer. He smiles and take it out the room. "Thank you, Cami" Julie smiles, hand resting on my arm. The ring is right in my sights, so easy for me to steal, to take, to keep for myself. No, I must not. BLR has set me a challenge, and challenge me they are. I must not falter, I must resist the desire.

"It's no problem, Julie" I grin, smile forced. I shake her arm off me, and dash for the door. I hear her shout goodbye, and I can hear the smile in her voice. I am a composed person, until diamonds come into play. She can tell how much I wanted that ring, and it amuses her. I understand, if the roles were reverse, I would have been amused too.

Heading back down to my room, I almost don't hear the Werewolf coming. Of course I do, because I am incredibly talent, and no one can sneak up on me. However, I am thinking so hard about the diamond, that it takes me longer than normal.

Lorenzo walks down the corridor, in the opposite direction to me. He instantly glares at me; that compared with his scarred face, he may be intimidating to some. But not me, I fear nothing. Especially not Werewolves.

"I would beat the shit of you, but that would be against the rules. Because that would give me a lot of pleasure" I state, as I strut past - my heels making a clicking noise that makes me feel like I could kill a man with one finger, and still look sexy doing it.

"Go back to your litter box, Kitty" Lorenzo spits venomously at me. I roll my eyes at his imaginative insult.

"Go back to your kennel, Mutt" I snap back, before reaching my bedroom and walking in. I smirk - once more I have gotten the last word in. I hear Lorenzo snarl in annoyance, and I hold back a smirk. I have a feeling there are camera's everywhere, and I don't want any of BLR staff to see my enjoying myself. I am not giving into temptation, well, I look like I'm not. But a night without temptation is a boring ideal, and I don't like boring.

A few seconds after I enter my room, a knock comes off the door. I raise my nose and sniff; a familiar scent filling my nose. I spin quickly rip my bedroom door open, and am greeted by someone I know.

"Hello, mi amore" he smirks, and even if he is a temptation I don't even care.

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