Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Dante looks at me – those piercing eyes reminding me of the amazing sex we had in the bank. I gulp as I offer him a large, seductive, smile. "Mr Finco, what a coincidence" I purr.

"Gattino, it has been too long" he smirks, walking into my room. I allow him too, before shutting the door behind me. "You look just as beautiful as remember" he compliments, eyes darkening in slight lust.

Sliding his arms around my slim waist, he pushes me up against the wall. He looks down at my small frame with a smirk. "Dante, I know you are a test from Bell La Rouge" I say.

"A test? Does that mean you find me irresistible?" he muses.

"No, it means you have a giant dick and can make me orgasm in a number of minutes. I am not supposed to get pleasure out of anything tonight. And you, Mr Finco, gave me immense pleasure the last time we met". I bit my bottom lip – as if I don't I may give in and tell him to simply take me.

Dante chuckles, "well I certainly don't want to ruin your chances of getting into BLR. Because if I did, well, then I wouldn't be able to keep pleasuring you, and pleasuring you and pleasuring you". His eyes twinkle in mischief.

"Then I suggest you take your leave, Mr Finco".

"Of course, Gattino, I will do that now. I just wanted to wish you good luck for these next few days". Leaning down, he presses a gentle kiss to my cheek. I don't care for the kiss, because I want a real kiss...between my legs.

I open the door, and Dante walks out with a bright smile. I see Chloe lingering outside my room, and she watches Dante leave in shock – he is a very attractive man, and I can see she is impressed. Dante is very attractive, not that I would ever have sex with someone who wasn't.

"Chloe, stop staring" I tell her. She jumps, ripping her eyes away from Dante's back as he saunters down the corridor like he owns the place. Chloe blushes, the red highlighting her dark Indian skin slightly.

"I wasn't staring" she mutters, not convincing anyone.

"Yeah and I'm not a natural red head" I reply sarcastically, and she blushes deeper.

"Who was that?" she asks.

"That was Dante Finco, an Italian Conjurer I know. Why do you like him?"

"I-I-I don't know him" she stutters.

"I do. He's amazing in bed, has the biggest dick I've seen. And I've seen a lot".

"So you two are dating?"

"No. I don't date, he is just an acquaintance I made a few weeks back. I am not stupid they are dangling the promise of mind blowing sex in front of my nose, trying to break me. But I am strong enough to resist Italian dick".

"I don't know if I would be" Chloe mumbled, pushing her dark hair backwards. "But, I resisted a phone call from my father earlier". Her eyes lit up slightly in need, when she speaks of her father, like she has not seen him in a long while – I don't ask about families, even I know that is rude.

I change the subject. "If you wish, I will introduce you the next time he visits. He is a BLR member, so no doubt will be hanging around".

Chloe's face lights up in excitement, "really? You'd do that for me?"

"Of course" I reply, smiling at her. My smile is fake, as I am fake. I don't care for Chloe, just like I don't care for Dante. They both offer me a benefit, so I have to keep them both on my good side. So, I will fuck Dante to happiness, and pretend to be the friend Chloe wants me to be. But I wouldn't care if either of them dropped down dead right now.

The rest of the night, I practically starve myself. I need a lot of food to sustain my Shifter body, so I am struggling when morning rolls around. Food is considered a pleasure, so I am not allowed it. And I am pissed about this.

The Vampire leader, Santosh, is waiting for us, when we are called back to the room. I sit behind my nametag once more, Chloe on my left and Lorenzo opposite me. Chloe is chatting pointless, and it takes all my control not to punch her in the throat. But, I must because I may need her in the later tasks.

So, I take my distain for her talking out on Lorenzo. He sits opposite me, large body slumped in his chair, and his muscled arms crossed over his chest. His dark eyes glare at me, and I glare right back. I have no problem with Werewolves, they are practically Cousins to the Werecats, but something about Lorenzo really ticks me off.

"Miss Noel, you must be hungry" Santosh says, sitting at the head of the table. "You too, Mr Eli. I hear Shifters eat about triple the amount of a human".

"Yes, Sir, I am very hungry" Lorenzo replies, using a voice that reminds me of a teacher's pet. I roll my eyes at his use of 'Sir'. He's such a kiss up.

"Yes, I am extremely hungry" I answer. "Is this task over? Because I do feel rather faint". I was lying, but I knew that if I didn't eat soon my diabetes would become a problem. My insulin issues was not something I ever told anyone about, nor planned to tell everyone. As long as I ate regularly, and healthily, no one would know – but with the lack of food, I know I will soon be lagging.

Lorenzo snorts in amusement, and my glare intensifies. "Shut up, mutt, I can practically hear your stomach growling".

"I could happily not eat for another day" he shrugs, looking smug.

"Well, so could I. But unfortunately, when I don't eat I get a little murderous. And killing you would definitely be considered a pleasurable activity" I reply, and he scowls deeply.

Santosh laughs at us. "Oh you are very feisty, Miss Noel. Like a true cat".

"She is not cat" Lorenzo tuts, "she's barley a kitten. What are you, Miss Noel, seventeen possibly eighteen?"

"Not that's it's any of your business, Mr Eli, I am twenty four. And maybe I am still a kitten in your eyes, but I'm sure anyone under forty is young to you now that you're getting to your fiftieth lunar cycle huh grandpa?" I snap sarcastically.

"I'm thirty nine actually" he growls angrily.

"Really? Must be that hideous scar that makes you look older" I lie and he growls angrily. Lorenzo doesn't look old – I would say mid-thirties, but I imagined that if his face weren't scarred his attractiveness would have made him look younger.

"Shifters, shifters, please" Santosh sighs, raising his hands to calm us. "Let me get you some food, and maybe that will calm everyone down". He presses a button on the underside of the table, and the door opens. A young female walks in, dressed in maid's attire.

"Yes sir?" she asks.

"Tell the chef's it is time for the breakfast banquet" Santosh tells her.

"Right away sir". She scurries back out again.

"So" Santosh begins, "you have all failed this task" he announces.

"What?" Lorenzo and I growl, at the same time that Chloe and Serena squeal it. I glare at Lorenzo for our choral speech, before turning to Santosh in outrage. "I don't understand, I resisted every temptation you threw my way. Tell me how I failed?" I demand.

Santosh smiles, "correct, Miss Noel. You – as did everyone here – resisted every temptation we challenged you with".

"Then I don't understand, Sir" Lorenzo frowns, "how can we have failed?"

"Because this is Bell La Rouge. And in Bell La Rouge we welcome temptation. We want you to indulge in ever temptation you can. Sex, magic, drink, drugs, crime. Whatever your temptation is, we welcome it here. Bell La Rouge wants you to enjoy your life to the fullest".

"So we weren't meant to resist?" I ask, annoyed because I wanted that damn diamond that Julie had. I roll my shoulders in annoyance, trying to take off the tension I hold in them from this new information.

"No, Miss Noel, you were all supposed to be tempted" he chuckles. "However, this was not a real task. Just a reminded of what Bell La Rouge is. So, please, for the rest of the night enough yourself. Drink, eat, have sex, whatever you wish. Because this is Bell La Rouge, and this is how you'll spend the rest of your life".

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