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~~~~~~~~Crys's POV~~~~~~~~
I let out a loud sigh, knowing that no one was around to hear it. I leaned back on the couch and pulled out my phone.
"Hey u there? I'm bored."
I texted Sean in hopes of an actual conversation. An hour ago mark and Naomi went out on a "shopping trip" but even I knew they were on a date but didn't want to upset me. Lily went for a walk in the park because of this "secret". And Sean hasn't been answering my calls lately, I don't know what the deal is. It took a minute, but he called me.
"Hey! How's my girl doing?"
"Everyone is away."
"Naomi and Mark are on a date and Lily won't tell us where she's been going."
"Oh... for shame!" I laughed and he laughed with me, I heard a sigh on his end.
"I miss you." Hearing him say that in his rich Irish accent just made me melt.
"I miss you too. When am I going to see you again?"
"I don't know, I've been...busy."
"Doing what?"
"It's nothing." I heard a girls voice in the background. He yelled back to her. "I'll be there in a minute!" I felt my heart drop. Is he-? No he wouldn't. "Listen, i  gotta go. I'll talk to you later okay?" I managed to spit out the words. "O-okay. Love you."
"You too, okay bye." He hung up. I wanted to scream but my mouth was too dry. What was happening? He wouldn't cheat on me. Sean's not like that. I slammed down my phone on the couch. But who was that girl? What was that voice in the back round? Why did he have to leave so soon? I felt my eyes burn with tears. I should've noticed it sooner, he left for Ireland with out warning, he never answers my calls and when he does he doesn't say 'i love you' its always 'I miss you,' I mean I like it but still. I completely missed the signs. Oh my god. I started sobbing into my hands. I curled into a ball and screamed in a pillow. I've never felt such pain, and hurt. Whhhhhhy?!
~~~~~~~~Naomi's POV~~~~~~~
Me and Mark walked down the street. He swung our hands back and forth and all I could do was laugh. He looked down at me. "What's going through that pretty little mind of yours?" I giggled. "We probably look like the cheesiest couple ever." He laughed and stopped, making me stand In front of him. "What's wrong with that?"
"Nothing, nothing at all." He smirked at me. "I can make it cheesier." I giggled and leaned in towards him. "Try me." Taking my dare, he picked me up and carried me and put me on his back like he was giving me piggy back ride. He started walking with me on back. I sounded like a giggle machine as he bounced along. People were staring and whispering but we didn't care. We got to a shop and he put me down. I made a pouty face. "Hey why'd you stop?" He smiled. "We've been walking like that for an half hour." I smirked. "You're the one who wanted to make it cheesier." He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. I was facing a shop. My eyes laid upon a dress in the window. It was beautiful. Mark let me go and followed my trance. "You want it." I glanced at him then back at the dress. "No don't worry about it, I was just looking at it." He smirked. "If you want it I'll get it for you." I scoffed looking at the price tag. "Mark no, look at that! It's way too much. C'mon lets go." I tugged on his arm and we started walking. "Are you sure?" I looked at him and nodded. He shrugged and took my hand. "Alright, if you say so." My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and say crys's name on the screen. I answered as we kept walking. "Hey babe..." I heard sobbing on the other end. I stopped dead in my tracks. "Crys what's wrong?" The sons became more constant and loud. She mumbled something but I couldn't make it out. "Crystal what's going on? I can't hear you?" Soon she started breaking up and I couldn't hear her. She hung up and gave mark a worried look. "What's wrong?" He bit his lip and cocked his head. "We have to go go home." I started walking, our hands still locked together. We kept walking until we got home. I ran up the stairs and down the hall, Mark ran after me. "C'mon Mark unlock the door!" He quickly unlocked the door and we stepped in. "Crys?! Are you here?!" I walked to the couch. There was a scrunched up pillow that was soaked in tears. "Where is she?" I ran upstairs and to her room. I put my head against the door and listened for her. Nothing. "Crystal...are you there?" I turned the knob but it was locked. I turned to face down the hall. "Mark! Help me!" He ran over to me. "I couldn't find her downstairs."
"Well maybe she's in here. Can you get it?" He jiggled the handle a little bit, he slammed his body a against the door but it didn't give. I started to scream. "Crystal!" I called her name multiple times but there was no reply. Mark was still beating in the door. "Mark c'mon, you were able to get in when it was me!" He started punching it. My patient running thin, I pulled Mark out of the way and slammed myself against the door. "CRYSTAL!" I had so much adrenaline pumping that the door actually opened. As soon as it did I burst through and into her room. I screamed and clenched my fists. "DAMNIT!" She wasn't there. I turned to face the wall, I punched it, 3 times before Mark came in and pulled me back to stop me. Still filled with anger, I turned and punched him too. When I saw Mark fall to the floor I cooled down. I fell to his side. "Mark! Oh my god!" I put my hand on his shoulder and he sat up. "Naomi it's fine don't worry about it." He covered his nose where I made contact. "No Mark you're not! You're bleeding!" I reached to touch his nose but he leaned away. "Naomi it's not my blood." I cocked my head but in that same moment I felt a stinging sensation all over my hand, then something cold running down my wrist. I looked down to see my knuckles covered in blood. I gasped at the sight of it and not realizing it was there before. Mark stood up and took my hand in attempt to help me. "C'mon, let's get you fixed up and we'll go look for Crys." I nodded and reached up to take his hand. He lead me to the bathroom where he cleaned my hand and bandaged it. I stared so hard at his nose I thought I'd burn a hole in it. "Mark..."
"Hmm?" I reached up with my free hand. "What about your nose?" He gestured to the fist aid kit. "I got it don't worry." I nodded. Once he had my knuckles bandaged and his nose as well, he grabbed his keys and we went out to hi car. When he turned the car on we saw lily running towards us. I put the window down once she got to us. "Where were you? I called you five times!" I have her a look. "We can't find Crys, do you know where she is?" Lily shook her head and gave me a worried look. "What do you mean you can't find her? She's at home isn't she?" I shook my head. "Get in." She crawled in the back seat. We told her about the call and  the pillow and how she went missing. "Where would she go?" I shook my head. "Not to the park, to many tourists." Mark glanced at me. "Would she be at that tree on the hill?" I gasped. Of course! "Yes! That's it! Go Mark drive!" We sped away to the hill with the big pine tree.
                 *at the hill*
I hiked and climbed with no problem leaving Mark and Lily behind. I past the rock where we watched the sunset together on our double date. I wanted to stop and take in the scenery, but I couldn't. I called out for Crys. "Crystal!" I started to hear noises. The closer I got they sounded like sobs. Once I reached the top I saw Crys, leaning against the tree in a ball. "Crys!" I ran over to her and say at her side giving her a hug. She flinched at my presence. Once she realized it was me she hugged back. "Crys why are you here? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" She stuttered as she tried to answer. Mark and Lily came up and to Crys's side catching their breath. She sniffles and kept crying. I squeezed Crys tightly and swayed back and forth. "What happened." I tried to be calm and gentle. She sniffles a bit more before speaking. "I-*sniffle* I talked to jack. He called me and told me he missed me and he asked about all of you." Mark sat down next to me and Lily took Crys's other side. "Okay, then why are you crying?" She started to sob again. "*sob* he-he ended the call first, he didn't even say I love you...*sob*" I swayed again. "Crys..." she looked up at the sky. "Why couldn't have I seen it sooner. I should've seen the signs!" She started shaking and huddling up against me. "What?" She sobbed some more and we all have her a group hug. "Crys what are you talking about?" She looked back at me. "There-there was a girl there-with him...." I was taken back. "Wait, he what?!" She leaned in and sobbed on my shoulder. "Sean's cheating on me!"

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