Chapter 1

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        “Good morning missis. How was your trip?” Nanoklov asked.

      “Oh it was good, the climb up the mountain was the best part.” I bared my fangs. She always knew how to rile me up even when she’s barely speaking.

        “Oh really? You enjoyed the climb? I didn’t know you were quite ready for the climb.” Nanoklov smiled at me, not in a kind way, but in a way that was sort of demeaning.

       I ignored her, if news got back to Brekile that I got into a fight with her, I’ll probably be defanged. Brekile adores every hair on top of her head, even if she’s just a maid. I sometimes wonder if she secretly trains with him late at night. One night I passed the basement door and I heard grunts floating up to my ears. Even the thought made my blood start boiling; he’s supposed to train me not her!

“Even Brekile didn’t think you were ready. He told me last night.” Nanoklov continued on.

“He told you……… last night? Why were you with him last night?” I frowned.

“I think you know Yuki. I know that you know.” Nanoklov drawled.

“So you guys do train! I confronted Brekile about it and he sent me away for three months.” I yelled, angry at Brekile for punishing me for no reason.

Nanoklov just smiled and walked away, just like she always does. Knowing that I could get into serious trouble for this but not really caring at the moment, I pounced. Nanoklov was ready for it because she sidestepped me effortlessly and landed a hard kick on my skull. I yelped and grabbed her ankle. It was a weak action but I couldn’t think straight. I pulled her leg and she crashed down next to me. Not giving her a chance to recover, I rolled on top of her and wrapped my arms around her neck. She started screaming and struggling but I had a firm hold on her neck. The only thing that was going through my mind was that she needed to die. I adjusted my arms, ready to crack her neck when a coughing noise came from behind me. I slowly turned my head and came face to face with Mekanav.

“Ah, Yuki, I see you have arrived with a healthy attitude this semester.” Mekanav said his voice full of sarcasm.

I rolled my eyes and reluctantly got off of Nanoklov. Even though Mekanav was the coolest and funniest teacher at this academy, when he punished you, it was equal to a human dying 100 times. Yes, it was that painful.

Ignoring Nanoklov coughing and wheezing on the floor, I said “Yep, I am extremely ready for this semester. I was just greeting Nanoklav in our usual way.” I made sure to mess up Nanoklov’s name, knowing she would get worked up and land her in trouble. But to my surprise, Nanoklov just got up, dusted off her skirt, and walked down the dark hall. Only when she turned I noticed her eyes glowing bright red, but it couldn’t be right? The only vampires that have red eyes are the tyrant vampires that lust for other vampire’s blood to gain power. Shaking my head, I dismissed the thought and turned back to Mekanav. Only to find myself alone in the hallway.

Great, I thought, I don’t even know where my new dorm room is, what classes I’m going to be in, and who I’m going to train with.

Awesome, I can tell that I am really gonna love these next few hours.

And that was the end of chapter one. Sorry that it’s so short but I’m working on two other stories for you guys to enjoy so be patient! Oh, and for all of you people that don’t know, Yuki means snow in Chinese. I can see those wheels in your head turning. You are realizing that the title doesn’t mean that snow is going to come and it’s going to be stained red, it means that the main character a.k.a Yuki is going to come across a lot of bloodshed in this story and her life is going to be filled with blood. But don’t worry, this isn’t going to be anything like Twilight (I love Twilight.) and I hope you can already tell. Ok guys, I’m off! Xoxoxoxox 

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