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         I stumbled slightly. Still unaware of my surroundings, I bumped into the side of the mountain. “Almost there,” I thought to myself, hoping my optimism will keep my tired body moving. But it wasn’t working, at all. My bloody palms kept scratching along the rock; my leg was getting cramped from being in this position for so long. “I have to focus.” I thought. Because even if I’m still out of it, I know that if I slip I will plummet to my death. But maybe if I die, I will be put out of my misery. But even that didn’t reassure me. Maybe it’s because I cannot die. I’ve tried over and over but my life doesn’t end. It’s because only he can kill me. And now, I am climbing up this mountain to get to him. My master called me desperate, and I too believe I am desperate. Desperate to die. I never wanted to be turned into a fledgling. But I am, when I smile the humans run away from me in fear. When I run, it’s too fast for them to comprehend if I was even there at all or if I was an illusion. The last human I hugged was my mother. I was such a wreck that I hugged her too tightly. I still shiver when I remember the feeling of her body folding together and hearing the cracks of her bones breaking. But what I did after is what really makes me feel disgusted in myself.  When the blood started pouring out of her mouth, I was no longer Yuki. I was a monster. The scent of the warm liquid went straight into my nose and my mouth watered. Before I knew what I was doing, my mom was sucked dry of all of her blood. When I stood up, I saw my reflection in the pool of her blood. I saw my sharp and jagged teeth, my blood red eyes, and the trails of blood trickling down my chin. I looked like a complete monster. So I guess you can say I looked like myself at that time. When the hunter association found me, I was still staring at the pool of blood, but I wasn’t really seeing. It was almost as if I was in a trance. I didn’t even struggle when they drove the stake right through my chest. They thought I was a regular vampire. They were completely wrong. When I snapped out of my reverie, all I had to do was blink and they were wiped out. I can’t recall what happened after. The next thing I knew, I was shivering, covered in dirt, and the rain was pouring with this mountain looming in the background. As I neared the top of the mountain, the thunder cracked and the wind howled. I could feel the power radiating from the academy all the way from here. The time has come. I am here.

                        Ok guys, i started a new sstory and please, please, please, please don't steal this. i'm working really hard on it and it will be way better than best summer ever. and horror books are my specialty. i'm working on another story too, i'm not gonna tell you what it is but it's going to be really good. it's also going to be horror and teen fiction :) so enjoy!!!! 

Sincerely, vampirix..... xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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