Chapter 2 Becoming an elder

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After a week or two in that clan my brother and I decided to find a clan that didn't allow cussing. So we parted ways and he found a fun loving clan. Around the same time, I was on global and I was getting hundreds of invites (as all people without clans do). One clan in particular caught my eye, it had a cool name, the discription actually had good requirements, and the guy I was talking with was rather convincing, so I decided to check it out.

About five people were online at the time. After recueving some level 5 giants and some incredible base advice, I decided to stay for a while. However I wanted to be more than just a member, my next goal was to become an elder.

Now, most people make the mistake of asking for elder or saying "how can I be an elder" when the discription clearly states what it takes. I, on the other hand, chose a different plan. I donated like crazy and was among the top three donators the first week. Secondly, I thanked each person individually and named the troop they gave. Third, I gave out advice about base design and recruited members. (I will devote an entire chapter to successful recruiting) As the week went along I would ask the leader and co-leader if I was donating enough, while they were talking about who to kick on Sunday. Not only because I wanted to make sure I wasn't kicked but to also bring their attention to my donation levels. They reassured me that I was fine.

The next week was similar. I never brought up the subject of my promotion, because the last thing I wanted was to look like I begged for elder. I wanted to be chosen. Someone else asked for it and they said it would take three or four weeks. I decided to beat that limit, without asking. (If i asked they would be more likely to ask how long I had been a member rather than if they thought of it on their own. They are smart leaders they know when someone is trying to push thier way into elder)

In the middle of the second week, I got on and to my shock I was not in a clan! I checked my inbox and It stated that I had been kicked by some random guy named Dekin, who i had never seen before. "Did I offend someone?" "Did someone have a grudge against me?" I thought to myself. Being ::cough:: slightly ::cough:: furious I rejoined the clan and asked "what the heck is going on here!" I scrolled down and what I discovered relieved my fears. Apparently an elder promoted a random guy who joined (Dekin) and the random guy kicked everyone who wasn't an elder. So I knew I wasn't supposed to be kicked and I read even more good news. This is what I remember reading.

Raags: "hey, where's SilentVulcan?"

Samantha: "He got kicked with the rest of them"

Raags: "I thought he was an elder?"

Samantha: "nope, I thought so too."

Baxter: "Well I hope he comes back, He's a good player"

Raags: "yeah, we need to make him elder if he comes back"

So that was how I became elder. That method is about the best way to get elder (excluding the whole clan getting kicked thingy) You want to be the likeable person who is trustworthy, donation oriented, friendly, and active. Also they want to see you trying to recruit members but not bragging about it. Giving advice to others (especially new members) is also helpful, yet don't come across as forceful. It works well for almost all clans, some are more restrictive than others. Some give elder to everyone and I will have a whole discussion on leading and creating a clan later on.

After a few days the clan was back to normal, and I was now an official elder. Not to mention my trophies were pretty high. And I was learning a lot about defending my base. "So far, so good" I thought to myself.

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