Chapter 5 Leading a Clan

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As expected, we began having problems because the clan was full and all of the members were active donators. I asked Baxter about it, he said they were planning on making an additional clan, within the next week. My donations picked up to a rigorous 1500 a week. (Although not the best ever, its hard to maintain) I new they would need a leader and co leader to stay behind. Naturally I envied that position, but didn't want to ask for it. I would rather be chosen than self appointed.

The new clan was going to be for members who were over level 35, which would be about a third of our members. Since most all of the elders were over level 35 excluding me and two or three others, I expected them to be the first group to head over. Amid the final days before the new Clan, I wasn't sure I'd get the job, seeing as how I was the newest elder of the bunch. Deciding to take matters into my own hands, in much a similar way as used previously, I went asked baxter specifically.

SilentVulcan:: Who is going to be the new leader and go leader once yall leave?

(Then I added this to make sure i didn't look like i was asking for the position while, at the same time, drawing his attention to me as a possible candidate. Not to mention I meant what I said)

SilentVulcan:: I would suggest Samantha for the position of leader.

Baxter:: i was thinking of making you and Samantha leaders, while Ninja helps yall out by co leading.

Although I didn't expect this quick of a response, I was quite satisfied with it. I liked this clan.

As members began slowly drifting out of this clan and into the newer one. Baxter and Jorgon eventually went with them. I let Samantha take the first shift as leader. She'd been around longer, and was a great elder. The first two weeks were uneventful, as we switched back and forth. There were speed bumps, no doubt, no car trip is without speed bumps, but they're nothing to write home about.

I will take this opportunity to raise a few tips about leading a clan that I learned from experience. Later I will discuss the topic of starting a clan, but for now we'll just stick with leading one.

If you want an active clan, you have to learn to kick the non active members, as well as the ones that don't donate. Bottom line. Otherwise you might as well have a closed clan that basically has twelve active members. All the others are just worthless slot fillers. You don't keep a crash dummy in your house, throw it out if it serves no purpose. Its just taking up a bed that could be given to a person who will pay their rent. Secondly, send out messages as often as you can. I didn't have the luxury of clicking one button and sending out a message to my whole clan. I had to tell each member, individually, twice before half the clan got the message. Then do it again. So take advantage of your new luxury. Messages you would send might start out with a warning, followed by a command, with a little bit of encouragement tacked on at the end.

::Any donations under 100 will be kicked on sun. Dont promote anyone without my permission. Good job on the trophies guys :). ::

Something like that. And while I'm talking about it, it is a good rule of thumb not to promote anyone with out the leaders permission. Things can go horribly wrong. Trust me. I know. I'll tell you all about it in the upcoming chapters.

Lastly, when leading a clan, be as active as possible and give advice to your members. You want to be the leader they want to obey. You're a fellow comrade and a captain, not supreme dictator. Give them advice about their base, tell the low level ones about how good their donations are, and tell them how to recruit that way your clan grows. Leading is an honor but it comes with responsibility, never forget that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2013 ⏰

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