Chapter 5

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After Jessica's push, you started hurting. You then realized that you twisted your ankle. You didn't know what to do and you had gym class next hour. Another issue was that V was in your class. Therefore, you did not want him to know that you were in pain.

* Sigh * " What am I going to do... ? " You said quietly with teary eyes.

You ran in gym. You stopped in the middle of the warm up. You just couldn't take it anymore. The pain from your ankle has gotten worse. You started limping toward your teacher, Mr. Lee.

" Yes? " He asked.

" May I please go to the nurse? " You asked politely.

" Yes you may. Let me get someone to go with you. " He stated.

" V! " Mr. Lee signaled him to come over.

" Yes? " He asked.

" Please take Hana to the nurse. " He replied.

You kept your head down. Wondering to yourself why the person who had to take you to the nurse has to be V. You couldn't look him in the eyes. But when you did, he gave you a worried look. You already knew what was coming. You knew what he was going to ask you.

You both walked to the nurse office in silence. Not knowing what to say or do. You never wanted him to come with you anyway. Walking in silence made the walk even more long and awkward but you've finally reached your destination.

The nurse was not in. She went out for her lunch break.

" Damn it. Why is she always out?! " V said angrily.

" It's okay. I can treat myself. You can leave now. " You told him.

" No. " He shot back.

" Sit. Now. " He added.

You couldn't do anything so you sat down on the bed.

After you have sat down, V started going through all the cabinets and and bins trying to find the emergency kit.

" It's on your left. " You instructed.

" Ah..." Said V.

After he grabbed the kit, he walked over to you and bent down. He started treating you with care. You knew he didn't know what to do but he tried his best. You kept smiling at him because he was clumsy. It was cute. But then you stopped at the sudden question.

" So... What happened to you? " V asked.

You hesitated for a moment then you finally gave him an answer.

" Nothing. " You replied.

" Don't lie to me. " He added.

" Really. Nothing happened. " You quickly answered.

" Tell me now. " V asked again.

" You don't need to know! It's none of your business. " You yelled at him sounding angry.

He stopped wrapping your wound.

" Yes it is! " V yelled back.

You gasp. You couldn't believe he just yelled at you. You felt hurt. Your eyes got teary and you were about to cry right that moment. You couldn't help it. When you blinked, tears started streaming down your face.

" I'm... I'm so sorry. " V apologized.

You were crying so hard at this point. You couldn't breathe. You felt like you were going to faint. You couldn't see a thing. The tears from your eyes made it blurry to see your surroundings. You felt dizzy.

" I just... Can't stand you being in pain. If it hurts you, it hurts me also. " V stated sadly.

" I'm sorry I yelled at you Hana. Please. I just want you to be happy. " He later added.

You didn't even know who was talking to you anymore. V came and sat beside you. He gave you a hug and comfort you with his words. You still didn't fully relax but you appreciated him trying. After V hugged you, you felt a little better. But you suddenly feel tired so you feel asleep on his shoulder. You didn't remember what happened after. But while sleeping, you could feel pressure against your lips.

- V's POV -

I felt guilty for yelling at her. I happen to know why she cried and the cause of her injury. I happen to caught a quick glance at her when she was tortured. I didn't feel guilty just for yelling at Hana but also for not backing her up from Jessica. I was too late. I lost her in the crowd and couldn't follow her because I did not know where she ran off to.

She fell asleep right after she cried. She had dark, long lashes and bright pink lips. Her hair was long and soft. I was mesmerize by her. I couldn't stop myself from staring at her face, especially her lips. Then a piece of Hana's hair fell down. I reached out and brushed it away. Her face was as smooth as a baby. I grabbed her hand and locked it with mine. Her hand was tiny and soft. 

"I really like you... but would you accept me? "

" Even if you don't... I'm happy being your friend. As long as I get to stay near you. "

You then leaned over and kissed Hana on the lips.

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