Chapter 10

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It was a sunny and bright day. You woke up first before V did and tried to wake up him but he just didn't wake up. You tried everything. You slapped him, yelled as loud as you can, put on loud music, everything you could think of, but he still didn't wake up. For a second, you though he past out. You gave up on waking him up. It was impossible. Then you walked over to the curtains and opened them. The rays of the sun was shining in your eyes so you bent down to avoid it. When you bent down, you notice something strange from the house across from you. It was V's house and it had a black van parked in the driveway.

" Yah! Wake up. There's someone at your house. " You yelled at him while shaking him to wake up.

" Hmm... " He moaned.

" Aish! I said wake up! " You rolled him off the couch.

" What is it? " He asked.

" I said there's someone at your house! " You told him again.

He woke up and went to the window to check who was at his house. You were next to him. Then you saw six guys walking out of his house together.

" Ahh... It's just my members. " Said V.

" Your members? Why would they go to your house. " You asked.

" Idiot. Because they're my members. " He said.

" Ah, and because we have practice today. " He added.

He went to the door, opened it and yelled across the street to his members.

" Yah! Hyung! I'm over here! " V yelled.

" Yah! What if they think wrongly? " You pulled on his shirt.

" They won't. " He said assuredly.

The other six members walked across the street to your house.

" Why are you here? " Asked Rap Monster.

" Why are you in a girl's house? " Asked Jimin.

" Yah! You have your own house! " Yelled Jin.


You looked at V and he smiled at you.

" Are you okay? " Jungkook asked you.

" Uh, I'm fine. " You replied.

" Come in. " You offered.

" It's okay. We need to get going. " Rap Monster said.

" Yah! We need to practice. " Rap Monster told V.

" Ah, I know. " Said V.

" Give me a minute to get ready." V added on.

The other members headed back to the van to wait for him.

" Hana, you want to go with me?" V asked.

" Uh... Would that be okay?" You asked.

" Yes." He said.


It was finally break time and the members ordered food because they haven't ate all day due to the dance practice. They ordered extra because you were there. They had extra time after eating and since the others had a couple to be with, for example, V and H-hope. Suga and Jimin. Namjoon and Jin. Where's Jungkook? He was sitting against the mirror touching his phone. You went over and sat next to him. 

"May I sit with you?" You asked.

"Sure." He scooted over.

Jungkook put his phone away as he said  "why was V at your house?"

"Ah... It's a long story." You said.

"Ah, I see." Said Jungkook.

It took a while until the food arrived. So in the meantime, you talked with Jungkook and got to learn more about him. You were giggling and smiling at him the whole time. You could see V standing on the other side of the wall looking at you, with jealousy.

"Food's here." Jin screamed.

You all gather around to eat. Then after eating, the boys went back to their dancing.

Jungkook kept looking and smiling at you the whole time he danced. V tried getting your attention, but it didn't work because you were looking at Jungkook.

"Hana?" Rap Mon asked.

"Yes?" You replied politely.

"Would you like to go to our concert?" He asked.

"When?" You questioned.

"Next two month." Jungkook answered for Rap Mon.

"I would love to." You said happily.

"Great! You're invited as a VIP." V said.


Dance practice was over. 

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