chapter 24

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I roll over into Justin's arms and lie my head onto his bare chest. I close my eyes and inhale his scent. It should be a crime to love someone this much. I exhale as he takes in a breath. It'd been two weeks since I decided we should take things slower.

And it wasn't until now that he was here with me that I was starting to regret that decision because here Justin and I were lying in the same bed with one another; his arms around my very pregnant body and my head on his chest and it all just felt so right. The downside being that it was only temporary. Once we left this bed we'd go back to our daily lives where he didn't live here and it was just me.

I really didn't like being alone.

I didn't want to be alone and I shouldn't have to be alone if I had Justin, but he was only complying with what I wanted and I appreciated it because that meant he was actually trying. It all just gave me a warm feeling inside because for the first time in a long time he was considering my feelings and it felt great, but I didn't want us to be like this anymore.

I wanted him back here with me.

I kiss his chest and look up at him then back at his chest. He would probably think I was a confused nutcase and maybe I was? I take my head off his chest and bring my body up and stare at Justin placidly. "Another craving?" Justin questions with a smirk on his face referring to my recent and probably disgusting cravings.

I shake my head, "I've just been thinking. I don't like this; me calling you to come lay with me or bring me something I probably shouldn't be eating at three in morning. You come and you don't complain which I love and appreciate, but then you leave..." My voice fades out.

"And you don't love that?" I shake my head.

He pushes hair behind my ear, "I'm just trying to meet you halfway. You said you wanted to take things slow." He sighs and I know he's irritated. Even I was starting to get sick of me. I'm sure I was ruining this pregnancy for him with how fickle I'd become. "Please don't be mad..."

"I'm not mad Naomi." he chuckles "I'm just trying to figure you out which is hard to do because I know the baby has you all over the place, but I'm glad you're being more open and honest with me about your feelings. I'm still willing to meet you halfway, just tell me what you want."

"I want you here...with me. I don't like us being split up. I don't like being here alone." Because being alone left room for thinking and that meant thinking about how Logan thought I was choosing Justin over her when that just wasn't true. She didn't like him; she made that obvious but was it too much to ask for her support? Even if Justin and I were still clearly working things out.

"You're almost five months pregnant I don't like you being alone either, but are you really sure you want this?" I nod


I check the time on my phone. Late. Justin was late.

I look over and our guide looks irritated as well like she'd rather be doing other things. She was supposed to be showing us around to look at things for the baby, but I didn't want to look around without Justin. Anything concerning the baby I wanted us to do together; it made things more special but with him being so busy I always had to schedule accordingly.

"Naomi." I look over to my right and there he is. Justin comes striding in through the backdoor.

"Sorry I'm late my meeting ran over and then there's a shit ton of paparazzi in the front so I had to come through the back. Vultures I tell you." Oh them. I'd forgotten all about them as soon as I'd stepped inside. They had become extra crazy over the past couple of weeks.

"Why are they like that?" My voice is soft I look up at him staring deeply into his beautiful hazel eyes. They always left me in such a daze. "I don't know baby." He says before placing his lips gently on mine. I reciprocate his gentle kiss and he slides his tongue in. We were close to being lost in one another until our guide nervously clears her throat. We were still in public. Justin chuckles.

Then clears his throat and I stifle a laugh. "So Naomi what are we looking at?" He questions as our fingers intertwine. The guide starts walking and we trail behind her.

"Cribs, car seats...ya know baby stuff." I smile.

"Car seats? Do you really plan on taking her out?" He says as if that were some foreign concept.

Taking a baby outside, who knew?

"Am I not supposed to?"

"You know what it doesn't matter. Lets just go look at some car seats." He brings my hand to his lips and and kisses my knuckles. Was this his new way of shutting me down? Or simply trying to avoid an argument? Talk about being open and honest. We continue to follow the guide.

"So right here we have some of the best and safest car seats in the world. This one right here even comes with a bottom half that you can turn into a stroller. They come in a variety of colors."

I look over at Justin, "What do you think?"

"Well I don't know I've never had to pick out car seats. You choose."

"I've never done this before either." I laugh, "I brought you here for a reason. One because you're paying for all of this." He nods as if he already knew, "and two because I want us to do all of this together." He doesn't say anything for a while. I could see his eyes glancing over all of the car seats. "The one with the stroller I suppose." He chuckles.

"I liked that one too. See you are good at this." I smile and squeeze his hand. He smiles before leaning down planting a kiss on my cheek. After the car seats we're lead over to the cribs, then play pins. Safety was our number one concern for everything especially for Mr. Are You Really Going To Take The Baby Out.


"I'm really glad you showed up today." I say once we're in the car. I was still in complete shock that this was all happening. For the most part we were in a good place we weren't completely over our obvious problems but we were slowly but surely getting there.

"I wouldn't miss being with you for the world Naomi. You and this baby are a sterling example of everything that's right in my life and I was stupid to think any different."

My eyes go wide at his admission and without any notice his lips are on mine, but where was all of this coming from.

Did it matter?

No, it didn't matter. It made me happy. Justin made me happy. There were times when I thought my feelings weren't being reciprocated but it turns out they are and it's really all I have wanted.

"I can't wait for you to be back with me." I say with swollen lips after we've pulled away.

"I can't either, but," he sighs. Oh no where was this going. I try to hide my urge to frown. "The reason my meeting ran over is because I have a business trip that I have to go on for about week or so." He looks at me as if he's waiting for me to say something–to protest it.

"And I want you to come with me."

"You do." My voice is almost a whisper.

"I do." And we're kissing again.

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