chapter 1

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I stretch my body from under the comforter and breathe a fresh yawn, my eyes still firmly closed. Then a whiff of delicious smells, claw their way up my nostrils, and my eyes instantly flutter open where I'm quickly pelted with all of the memories from the night before.

I look over to my side.

He's gone.

He never stays. Always in such a rush. I lean up against the headboard letting out an exasperated sigh.

Why was he like this?

Was I merely a toy used for his sexual gratification?

I throw my feet over the edge of the bed and jump off. Wrapping my robe around me I stagger toward the ravishing smell my nose was leading me to. Well at least he bought me breakfast before he left. I smile once I see a note next to my breakfast:

Last night was amazing, as usual. But I had to get back to Barbara. Perhaps we can do this again next weekend. Enjoy your breakfast, beautiful. I'll see you Monday. Wear the satin skirt -Justin

My eyes crease with humor, as I look over the note again I notice a certain part of the note wasn't written as a question, but as if it were a statement. I let out a lowly chuckle.

He was so formal yet such a tease.

But by now I guess it's obvious what I am–the other woman. Just the thought brought on a feeling in the pit of my gut that I didn't like. It was awful because I never thought I'd be this girl.

In my heart Justin was the one I wanted to be with, but I could never let him leave Barbara. Not that he'd showed any signs of wanting to leave her—I was sure that he was content with having me as his fuck buddy.

I frown and let out an irritated groan. Taking the note in my hand I crumple it chucking it into the trash because that was all I would ever be to him—a booty call.


I stroll into the office at 8:45 am. Monday morning; I liked being just a bit early. What could I say, the early bird always caught the worm. I clock in quickly and hurry to my bosses desk to lay out everything he'd need such as his clientele list and any incomplete paper work.

I'd been a paid intern for about two months now that was because I aspired to be a writer. Whether it be for a magazine, my own books; whatever the future had in store for me. And if the boss' word were anything to go by then I'm sure my letter of recommendation would be glowing.

"Good morning Ms. Parker, I see you wore the satin skirt." My boss greets as he strides in with ease looking delectable in his Armani suit. I catch a glimpse at the time, 8:55 am. The corners of my lips curl into a smile.

"Good morning Mr. Bieber, thanks for noticing my choice in business attire. I do hope your weekend was lovely." I tease. He smirks.

"Why, Ms. Parker, it was certainly lovely. Actually, I think pleasuring would be a better choice of word. Nothing but complete and utter pleasure." He replies, his hazel eyes stitched upon mine. How could he say such raunchy things without so much as a blink of an eye? I feel my face flush as I advert my gaze from him to my desk.

"I do assume your weekend was also lovely." He mocks and I advert my gaze back to him and smirk. Chatting subliminally about the hot steamy weekend we shared when the weekday rolled back around was the highlight of my day.

"Hmm. It could've been better." I say shrugging, my lips threatening to crack a smile while I try to appear serious. His eyes smolder tauntingly as he blinks a few times. I glance up at him and give him a chaste wink. He shakes his head and walks into his office.

I swoon, he's speechless. I loved getting under his skin

At 12:00 pm I rise from my desk, hurrying to clock out for lunch. I see Justin appear. His eyes glaze past me. Another thing he did—his no eye contact rule. Honestly, I didn't like it. I heave a heavy sigh and head back to my desk to grab my purse. Today I want to go out for lunch. I would usually wait for someone with a cart from the cafe to come up with choices or go down there myself but not today.

As I finish gathering my belongings I feel his stare burning into my back. I jerk my body around, so that now we're face to face. He looks at me inquisitively, like he's guessing my movements. I give off a subtle smile.

"I'll be enjoying lunch outside, if you don't mind. I will be back 1 pm sharp" I answer his unasked question keeping the conversation short and sweet.

I start treading toward the elevators.

He clears his throat. "Where will you be dining at?" I hear him asks from behind. I turn on my heels, making eye contact once more. "I thought I'd browse while I walk around. It's an aimless mission." I say causally. His lips twitch into a smile.

"I actually know this great restaurant two blocks away. Do you mind?" He asks. I give him a half smile.

He wants to have lunch with me?

Could this be, dare I say it... A date?

No, it couldn't be.

"Not at all. I'll wait for you by the elevators." I reply. He smiles and heads into his office. I stand casually by the elevators.

A minute later he's returned.

We begin our journey. I find it funny that he picked the restaurant, as if he had a clue of what food I was in the mood for. He stops in front of a Mexican cuisine restaurant. I smile. Mexican does sound good right now. He gives me a look, as if asking is here ok? I nod.

He opens the door for me and we head to the front desk to ask for a table. "Table for 2?" The head waitress asks. Justin nods. She proceeds to lead us to a nice booth located in the back. She seats us directly across from one another. Hm well at least this sort of feels like a date now. I shake it off because this was definitely not a date.

I look up at Justin's hazel eyes. He stares at me. It's like he's trying to read my thoughts. I smile as I grab a menu from the table. He, on the other hand continues to stare at me. It starts to get a bit uncomfortable after a minute or so. I can't help but tense under his microscopic stare. I peer back up, his eyes are still glued on me. I sigh and give him a lopsided smile.

"See anything you like?" I question, aware that he knows that I'm even more aware he hasn't looked at the menu once.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do" He replies. I blush. This man's first language had to be 'flirting'. He was too good at it.

I smirk and look into his eyes "Is it something you can eat?" I retaliate, playing along. He smirks back

"Believe me when I say I've eaten this a few times before" He states and there wasn't even a bat of an eyelash issued as he made the statement. I flush the darkest shade of red that you could imagine.


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