Chapter 10

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Splinter's P.O.V.

I had decided to walk after a few seconds of chasing my sons. I sensed that they were all together and will arrive in the lair safely.

As I saw them disappear into the subway tunnel, my sensitive ears picked up a very faint sound.

I stopped and watched around me. When there was no sign of anything, I continued on, this time a little faster then before. Just to be on the safe side.

I was about a mile away from the lair, when I heard noises. It sounded a lot like a door slamming and gaging, but I could not clearly make of it.

I started to slowly jog but I stopped in my tracks when a loud scream filled my ears. My heart stopped when I heard that it was my youngest son, Michelangelo.

I ran the rest of the way, I heard a bang and something that sounded like Raphael's voice, he was yelling.

I increased my speed when I heard a screech and a different bang.

I finally made it in the lair when I was hearing noises from Donatello's lab, so I ran there.

When I started to run, I yet again heard a screech. When I was at the door way, I saw my distant cousin running towards my son; my reaction was to distract it.

I grabbed ninja stars from my komodo and threw them, pinning them to the floor. I stood in my fighting stance and as the creature eyed me, I snapped. "Stay away from my sons! Now!"

The creature screeched at me and ran my way, it leaped in the air and stuck its tongue at me, but I quickly dodged it and eyed my opponent.

Its next attack, involved in using its tail; it swung at me, but I did not move. I simply grabbed its tail and flipped it over my head.

The squirrel growled and stood back up, he stared at me then looked around the lab.

It screeched and ran the opposite direction from me. I watched confused, until I noticed where it was running to.

My second eldest son, Raphael.


No P.O.V.

The Squirrelanoid ran away from Splinter, to a fallen turtle, Raphael.

Splinter soon ran after the mutant, after he figured out its plan. Before Splinter got to the squirrel, the squirrel got to Raphael first.

It turned around, with Raph in its arms, and stopped Splinter in his tracks.

The Squirrelanoid growled and opened its jaws.

Splinter just stood and watch; he didn't know what to do in this kind of situation.


Donnie was helping Mikey patch up his wound, by placing numbing cream over it, which should slow down the infection that was soon to come.

As soon as Donnie finished, he turned around and got out of Mikey's way, just in time to see Raph in the Squirrelanoid's grip and its jaw opened.

Donnie's eyes got wide as Splinter was just standing there, frozen, as the Squirrelanoid's jaw got closer to Raph's wounded shoulder.

Donnie reacted quickly and grabbed a ninja smoke bomb from his belt and threw it on the floor, close to the squirrels feet.

As soon as the purple haze surrounded the squirrel and Raphael, Splinter ran into the haze, and disappeared in the purple gas.

Donnie and Mikey stared in awe as they heard a few screeches and smacks coming from the haze surroundings.

After a few more seconds, the smoke from the bomb disappeared, and Splinter was revealed.

He stood over the squirrel as he looked down on it, holding Raph in his arms.

He lifted Raph up bridal style, and walked away from the fallen creature.

He walked to Donnie and Mikey; he handed them Raphael, slowly and carefully. "Take your brother to the dojo, and stay there yourselves." He looked at Leo and ran to his aid. Leo's breathing was heavy but he was alright. "I will take Leonardo shortly."

Donnie and Mikey nodded and carried Raph off, well, Donnie carried him off. Mikey couldn't use his arm.

Splinter sighed and lifted Leonardo, carefully over his shoulder. He eyed the squirrel that was fallen to the floor.

Splinter thought of an idea and quickly carried Leo to the dojo.

When he walked in, he saw Raphael laying next to Michelangelo as Donatello was checking Michelangelo's new shoulder wound.

He sighed and laid Leo on the other side of Mikey. "I will return shortly to attended to your injuries."

Donnie turned around, and before Splinter left, he spoke, "sensei, on your way back, do you think that you can bring the disinfecting spray and a few gauzes for Mikey and Raph?"

Splinter turned his head and gave a slight nod to his genius son, as he then left the dojo.

Mikey and Donnie watched as Splinter left them.

Donnie checked his unconscious brothers, and heavily sighed. "They should be waking up soon, but Raph is going to have to go through the pain again." He looked at Mikey, "listen Mikey, when Splinter comes back with the supplies, I have to apply them onto you directly. I do warn you that it is going to hurt."

Mikey nodded, "how bad is it going to hurt?"

Donnie thought for a second, "do you want me to lye or tell you the rank for how bad it's going to hurt?"

"The rank," Mikey said, a little uncertain.

"It was enough pain to make Raph cry." Donnie faced Raph, "he thought I didn't see him wipe that tear away. Funny turtle." Donnie faced Mikey again, "sorry, but we'll make it through this, alright?"

Mikey slowly nodded his head and looked up at Donnie, "can I ask you something bro?"

Donnie nodded, "anything, just ask away."

"Why did you throw up? I heard you from the lab." Mikey asked, full of curiosity.

"Oh that," he said, facing towards Mikey completely. "See this?" He said pointing to his bandages wrapped around his chest. Mikey nodded and Donnie continued, "well, when we went to go save you, I was also taken by the, Squirrelanoids. Leo and Raph tried to save me and you at the same time. When Raph was getting injured I attempted to save him, but I got the wind knocked out of me."

Mikey looked at him in confusion, "but that doesn't explain why you threw up."

"Technically it does, my body was in shock, so when the shock was over, my body reacted to the injury. I threw up because of the type of injury, it mostly occurs when someone is hit in the head or in the stomach." Donnie finished, "did you understand that?"

Mikey stared at his brother for a while, before slowly nodded.

"Alright, then," Donnie said excitedly.

They both stayed quiet and waited for their rat master to return.


That's it for this chapter!

Oh and the book is almost over... •^•

But I shall continue to write more stories. I might take a while, but I will keep it coming.

Well I hope to see you all in my next read! Bye!

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