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It did snow. 

It snowed, and snowed, and snowed. I've never seen it snow so much! South Carolina is known for getting cold and wet in the winter, but never quite cold enough for the rain to freeze. I watched it for hours at my window. My eyes wide at the wonder of the glorious flakes of white descending like falling stars. 

John of course, hated it. He grumbled about having to stay inside and refused to even glance outside. 

"It's freezing!" He yelled. 

"Yes, it's cold, but it's beautiful." I said in awe.

"I despise winter!" He said out of spite. 

"Why?" I asked as I pulled away from the window sill.

"I just do." John said into the news paper. He had more on his mind but I decided not to press him on. 

I sat down in the floor at his feet. I rested my head on his knee and closed my eyes. Only one full day left until Chapman made his appearance. I wasn't looking forward to it. I wanted it to be over already. I didn't want to shoot anyone. 

I hoped i'd be able to complete my promise. What if I missed? What if the gun failed to work? I was frightened at the thoughts of the possible encounters, so I pushed it out of my mind. 

"Listen to this." John piped up from his reading. "The Return brings the Beatles to Greenville." He read allowed. "Is that near here?" He asked. I nodded. John continued. "The Return is a Beatles tribute band who's convincing singing, music, and improve have stunned audiences for over fifteen years. Be sure you do not miss this once in a lifetime performance by America's greatest Beatles tribute band. Dec. 5,6,7,and 8th."

John was entranced by this article. 

I'd seen the Return one time before. In fact the experience was so dear to me I had framed all the pictures i'd taken of that day. I had been moved to tears! The boys had sang, played, and yes, even spoke just like the British boys I'd fallen in love with. 

"We should go." I said excited. 

"Really?" John asked with ecstasy. A gleam of hope shining behind his dark eyes. 

"Yes, really." I laughed. 

"When?" He asked. 

"Now. We've got time. It's only four O'clock. The concert starts at six. If we hurry we can make it." 

John jumped up and took me by the hand. He pulled me to my feet and sped to my bedroom. Without a word, John threw me in and closed the door. (Maybe he wasn't s harsh as it sounds, but he was rather...harsh...for lack of a better word)

I chuckled at his excitement and rushed to get dressed. I pulled out khaki pants and a tunic, cloth shirt. I topped the shirt with a fringed, leather vest. From my closet I extracted a pair of 1968 moccasins given to me by a middle aged lady from my church. I completed my outfit with round, John-look-alike glasses. They were sunglasses though and I had to take the off inside. 

I opened my door to find John in a snazzy suit with his hair a wry and a toothy grin plastered on his slim features. The happiness he felt was visible and I couldn't help but think how good it made him look. I hadn't seen him truly happy the whole time he'd been staying with me.  

"Madam!" He smiled and gave a small bow. "May I entreat you to the theatre?" He asked in a thicker British accent. I had noticed that his Scouse accent had faded and was almost Americanized. 

I took his outstretched hand and smiled. 

"I believe it is me who treating you." I corrected him. 

John laughed aridly and nodded as we grabbed our coats and exited my home. "Technicalities!" John exclaimed. 

As I locked the door John ran on to the car. But to his dismay the doors were locked there as well. I took my time as I walked from the house to the Pontiac. I smiled to myself as John danced in the snow. He called me names and used obscenities I dare not repeat, but boy was it funny to watch him suffer. 

I got into the car but refused to let him in. 

"Please!" He wailed. "Please let me in!" I shook my head no. "Jule, let me in now or I swear I will break everyone of your precious records!" I could see he was really starting to get mad no so I let him in. 

"What was all that for?" He asked angrily.

"I just wanted you to enjoy the snow."I laughed. 

"Yeah," John chuckled mischievously. "Well since you're the one who wants to enjoy it so badly..." John leaned out of the car and picked something up out of my drive way. "Enjoy this!" Before I could react, John slammed a fist full of snow into my face. I screamed and quickly opened my door to dry it off of my face. When the numbness subsided I closed my door, shot John a look, and drove of down the newly salted roads.           

Guys! Do you know how hard it is to find a picture of John Lennon angry?! Anyways I just settled on this one. Haha.

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