Top Bunk and Beastly Packs

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"NO! I won't!"

Raising my eyebrows I walk into one of the rooms in the dorm house. There I see Pandora crossing her arms with Mavis sticking her finger in her face. "Um, what are you doing?" I ask from the doorway. Mavis crosses her arms "Pandora won't take the top bunk." I sigh really? This is what I have to put up with? "Why don't either of you want it?" They both look at me and turn a questioning glance at each other. Neither of them respond. "You're not afraid of heights are you?" I question. "NO!" both shout in unison. Smirking I saunter over to the bed I threw my bag on. Grabbing my bag I toss it up onto the top bunk. "Don't say I never did anything for you," I say climbing up the ladder. Personally I enjoy heights, however it won't be fun if I land on the cold concrete floor at night. "Well! If you just threw your stuff up there in the first place none of this would have happened!" Mavis shouts at me. I glare at her "If I knew you were chickens I would have." Pandora's face gets red with embarrassment "Don't tell anyone! Please!" she whines. Shrugging my shoulders I pull out a book and start reading.

After an hour of thoroughly enjoying my reading it's interrupted by screeching demons from hell. "7 Alphas are Here!" one girl gushes walking into the room. I recognize her as one of Elizabeth's posy, brilliant. "They way I hear it the Dark Mountain and Red Mountain Ridge Warriors have their Alphas attending." another whispers back anxiously. I perk up at this because these two packs send out all the males in the running games age range at the same time. Both packs are known for being the best trained warriors on the planet, with their females going through at least a basic self defense training and the males going through rigorous, and punishing, training since the age of 5. Both packs border each other with the Dark Mountain pack known as the 'Defenders' and the Red Mountain Ridge Warriors affectionately known as the 'Executioners.' Both were unbeatable in battle and someone the werewolves love to have on their team against other supernaturals during a species war.

Finding one of their warriors would be great for Pandora or Mavis. What concerns me is for some reason this news is exciting for me. I frown, this should be horrifying. The chances of me making it out of this run went from about 93% to about 15%. The males in these packs go for females that know what they are doing. They aren't just looking for female to happily raise a family with. They are looking for someone who will stand by them and get shit done if needed. Everyone knows about the three of us that lasted till sunrise last year. This simple fact means that there is no way I can pretend to be a simple spoiled gamma's daughter and get away with being ignored. However, as just mentioned, I'm a gamma's daughter. Seeing as my family isn't top of the food chain they will probably overlook me.

"Oooooo," Pandora shouts. Snapping out of my thoughts I look at her. I see her smiling at me. "Someone's got Zuri all hot and bothered!" she howls "I never thought I'd see the day that Zuri is thinking about males like the rest of us!" Glaring at her I respond with a snappy "There is no way in hell i'm interested in thoughs meaty barbarians." "That's good, you wont be disappointed when you land an omega from some nowhere'sville pack." The all great she-witch of the west decided then was the time to interrupt. "They want someone with a pedigree, A long line of strong family members with connections and a pack to back them up." she states giving me a sickly sweet fake sad face. "Yup," a voice says from the back of the room "at least for my brother's pack we like them to be strong and brave warriors." Looking into the shadows of the back of the room I see a blond haired girl with a smirk. "Oh, hello! My names Elizabeth." She-witch says sauntering over to the naturally pretty girl sitting calmly in the corner. "Don't worry, I'll explain to them," She says gesturing to Pandora, Mavis, and I "They won't bother your pack." The girls small smile disappears instantly. "I know who you are Elizabeth, you are the daughter of Eli Welsh, who happens to be one greedy son of a bitch and yet you seem to be intent on following in his footsteps. My pack," She says inching closer to Elizabeth "ensures a warrior born birthright to the men that they will not give up for some stuck up woman who can't keep her legs closed."

Elizabeth's face turns bright red "How dare you call me a whore!" Spit dribbles down her chin. Silently laughing to myself I can't resist adding "She's not calling you a whore, shes calling you a penny" Elizabeth looks at me with a snooty yet confused face "Your two-faced, worthless, and in every bodies pants." Her head swivels between the girl and I, her platinum white hair whipping behind her like a white flag. Screeching she turns on her heels and marches out of the room. The girl walks over to us and we all shake hands as we introduce ourselves.

It turns out her name is Gabriela Reed and her brother is the Alpha of the Dark Mountain pack. Seeing as his little sister is in the running her brother, Jonathan, decided they were going to participate. He wasn't going to let anyone claim his sister this year. Its times like these I wish I had a brother.

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