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The day after the explosion was absolute chaos. Females were running about checking on their friends and crying about the 'poor souls' that died who they haven't even met before, might I add. Then there were the males who either coddled the females, pushed them away in disgust, or looked plain terrified.

The last few were the ones that drew my attention the most. Some were plain terrified in general and then there were the ones that visibly shook as I walked passed. It was something to do with me because they didn't do anything like that when other females passed. It also wasn't because they knew it was me who caused the explosion or they would have told someone.

As I stood at the south end of camp I took in the carnage all around me. After intense thought and experimentation I deemed Pandora to be as clueless about Mavis as I was. Right now she's off being taken care of by some beta from another pack located down south. I'm glad she has him, she seemed ecstatic when she talked to me about him. I really just want her happy.

Slowly I hear a silence fall over the crowd in front of me. Climbing up assorted beams and sheets I get to a vantage point where I would be able to see the crowd.

From the north end there is a mass of bikers and battle-scared men walking out of the woods. At the head of it was Damion with his shoulders set, his head held high, and a cold look in his vibrant green eyes. After the mass of males walk out of the woods the first thought that comes to mind was.. WOW. Everyone's anxiety level skyrocketed upon seeing the Red Mountain Ridge males appear. I, on the other hand, had a wolf who was purring like a cat. She seemed to have accepted him already and was gleeful at having such a commanding and noble male for a mate. I simply roll my eyes. I meant every word I said; if he wants to be my mate he is going to have to work for it.

An older gentlemen, that is more like a skeleton at this point, nods at Damion but doesn't let his eyes stray in his direction for long. "Thank you for showing up at camp for the meeting Alpha King." Huh, so his last name is king? Of course it is, he couldn't possibly have a normal last name like Johnson or Davies. Damion King does have a nice ring to it though.

The man slowly hobbles his way in front of the whole crowd. "Attention!" He croaks "Due to resent events, We expect everyone to survive in their wolf form for the next two days until the running where we will then meet back at the camp. There the running will begin." After that announcement the crowd erupts. Some cheer, most groan. You can always tell those who were trained against those who weren't. From the sound of the crowd many are going to have to leach off the ones who can hunt or go hungry.

Walking down the beam I'm met with the man i'm beginning to assume will never let me go. "Well done Zuri," Damion states grabbing my waist and crushing me to his body where I attempt to free myself from his grasp to no avail. "Thanks, though I know you did something to those males Alpha King." I say semi-teasingly. A rumble erupts from his chest as he pulls me closer to him in response to my saying his title. I can almost feel him smirking without having to see it. "I may or may not have questioned-" "Tortured," I interrupt "-A few males that were seen with Margret-" "Mavis," I interrupt once again "-close enough, point being I needed to separate the males that will be chasing you into two categories. One where I attack them and leave them to die for daring to attempt to take whats mine, and the second where I brutally slaughter them for daring to attempt to kill you."

Squirming in his hold he finally lets me go with a huff. "No one is going to catch me." I shout daringly. His eyes darken with predatory lust. A growl erupts from his chest as he launches at me. We play a game of cat and mouse inside the remains of Storage bay until he finally tackles me. His entire bodies covers mine as we lay tangled in the wreckage. The more squirming I do the tighter his grip on me gets. His next words, though I don't want them to, get me all hot and bothered. "I will always catch you, my Luna."

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