Ring The Dinner Bell

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Nothing like the smell of sweat and blood. Spreading my arms out wide I inhale deeply. "Smell that hard work in the morning!" I shout. I hear groaning coming from the two behind me. "Ya know," Pandora states "If I recall correctly, you aren't a morning person." Nodding my head I respond "This is true, but I haven't been able to train for the last week. And fighting is a passion of mine." Mavis and Pandora continue to groan "You fight?" Gabriela joins the conversation. I look over at her with a smile "Yup! thought I lasted till sunrise by luck? Iv'e been training with my father as well as the Alpha and warriors since I was a pup." I was quite proud of that fact too. Gabriela's smile gets bigger. "What?" I question, she is nice but I can tell shes up to something. "oh nothing, what are we practicing today? We teaching those two?" She asks, changing the subject I might add, as she gestures to Pandora and Mavis. "Ah excuse me!" Mavis Shouts holding a hand to her heart and lifting her head haughtily in a joking manor "I will excuse you for that rude assumption."

Gabriela looks at all of us. "You all know how to fight then?" "Ya" Pandora says calmly like we're talking about our favorite colors. "I'm hand-to-hand combat, Mavis is good with a whip. Then Zuri, who has no life, has spent her days covering everything. Though in a general sense she likes counter-attacks." Gabriela looks at use with here wide blue eyes "Cool, can I train with you?" We all laugh.

Everyone is taking a break, the females that fight have been practicing for the last two hours. I made sure to be on the bench when guys past by but seeing as both warrior packs are here they rarely leave. Thus, I haven't been able to do much. My only consolation is that the she-witch and her wanna be's don't know two shits about fighting so they haven't shown up. Gabriela is quickly walking by me. "Gabriela whats wrong?" I shout to her in concern. She turns and looks at me with a smile. "Nothing! I have to go check on something, i'll be back soon."And with that she power-walks away. well that was awkward.

"Hey, Bitch! Who do you think you are? Walking around here like you know two shits about battle?" Some brown haired, beefed up girl shouts at me from across the training grounds. Looking up I glare at her, I stay to myself for a reason. I hate people. Especially arrogant little bitches that think they know me. "Why don't you come over here and I'll show you what I know?" I shout back. Smirking she saunters up to me. "Zuri, this isn't a good Idea," Pandora whispers frantically "She's in Gabriela's pack, and an amazing fighter from the sound of it." Blowing her off I meet the girl half way. I hold my hand out in the universal symbol for a fair fight to begin. Instead of shaking it she launches a right hook towards my face. Twisting, I don't waste any time. She wants to play like that we'll play. Using my momentum from the dodge I swing my body into the air while my left foot connects with her face. She stumbles but regains her balance.

I'm grinning at this point. I love a challenge. Pandora calls me bloodthirsty, I prefer the term competitive. One fist is protecting my face while the other is protecting my stomach. She launches a fist to my face. it's a distraction. I seen her place her lower hand into prime hitting position. I reach a fist out between her arm and head so she can't get the face hit. After that I promptly grab her lower wrist and twist till I hear a pop. Her screech is cut short when I ram my elbow into her throat. She drops to the ground and clutches her throat trying to regain her breath. Once the clapping begins I turn to see not only the females that were practicing but a shit ton of sweaty, yet hot, looking men there as well. In the middle of the men stood Gabriela. She has her shoulders shrugged and a 'I kinda just set you up but I don't regret it' smile on her face.

Brilliant. She set me up. I turn to look at the girl I just fought. Thinking back during practice I seen her giving advice while others looked at her in appreciation and jealousy. This most likely means she's one of the best, if not the best, fighters in Dark Mountain pack. I take one step to her and she scrambles back with her hands raised in surrender. Great, news is gonna spread and i'll not only have a posy following me around to draw attention to themselves but also some new admirers. I will not be forgiving Gabriela any time soon.

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